Thursday, May 18, 2006

Well, there's little question now. When my house is ready to show, I will have no choice but to hang a sign apologizing in advance for any insults hurled at hapless house hunters during their visit. sigh sigh sigh. groan!

Smilin George and Webster have this horrid hate/hate relationship. Their animosity toward one another seemed to grow more fierce by the day. George leaps into the air woofing at the bird and the bird ....well.... says things. Bad things. That's how it began.

But NOW, now the Rodney Dangerfield of birds has decided there's nothing more fun in life than to hurl hateful insults at innocent people anywhere in his vicinity. This is a direct result of my taking the ringer out of his bell. He's really, really pissed! And somewhere (I did not teach him all this stuff) he's learned cute little phrases like ....... turd face .... noodle nose ..... fat ass ..... bite me ..... dick head ..... and my personal favorite..... kiss my nut.

There is NO way to shut him up. Believe me, I have tried everything. I was hoping he'd get out of this foul mood before the house is done but.....nope. He wants his ringer back and I'm not givin it back. He was driving me batty with that blasted thing.

Anyway ..... to make matters ever so much worse.....once Webster starts hurling insults, Smilin George, even if he's in his crate in another room will begin to bark. So then you have the bird shouting .... "Kiss my nut! Kiss my nut!" the dog barking furiously. Bird shouting..."NO! STOP IT! KISS MY NUT!"

If we sell this place it'll be a friggin miracle.
posted by Crabby at 11:58 AM |


At 5/18/2006 12:57 PM, Blogger barman

You can't get away with a dark covering over the cage? I thought when birds (of course I am talking about much smaller birds) have their cage covered they shut up.

My friends parents had a dog (Heather) and a very loud bird. It was rather amusing watching the bird yell "Heather" over and over until the dog would show up, then the bird was quiet until Heather went away and the bird would start up again. Occasionally the bird would throw in a loud laugh after the dog left. To funny.


At 5/18/2006 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

I think you should send them to M.E. until you sell the house!




At 5/18/2006 2:05 PM, Blogger Crabby

Barman, every other bird I ever owned, and I've own lots, would quiet down when covered. Not Webster. Webster, being the foul-tempered rebel that he is, get louder.

Tina, I would love to give all the critters to M-E till I move. She and the squirrel could even divide them up. She won't take webby though. he bit her ....... twice. ahhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha! She won't stop stickin her fingers in his cage!


At 5/18/2006 2:09 PM, Blogger Crabby

Sal, it's only funny cuz you aren't here.

We bought a shock collar to try and teach George not to bark.....damned if I didn't end up sitting on it last night by accident. Heaven only knows how long I sent shock waves through the poor dog.

Now today, guys are outside working and naturally... George is inside barking. I buzzed...he'd stop for one second and start again. I finally ended up turning the danged thing all the way up to 7 only goes to 10. I'm afraid to go in and look. He's incredibly quiet. Betcha I burned his chest hairs clean off.

Oh, this is gonna be such a friggin circus at sell time.


At 5/18/2006 2:15 PM, Blogger Evil Minx


Fuckin' hilarious.

"Kiss my nut" is now my favourite brush-off insult. It's official. ROFLMAO!


At 5/18/2006 4:42 PM, Blogger barman

I found this. It is of no help but it is amusing. I think you should shower with your bird. 8)

Completely ignore the bird. If your bird screams, do not react. This cannot happen overnight, however with patience, and earplugs, over time your bird will learn that screaming isn’t getting him what he wants. After your parrot has been quiet for at least 2 minutes (up to 5 minutes), go to your bird and praise them for being quiet, maybe give them a treat or toy. Over a course of several weeks, increase the amount of time that your bird is quiet then reward your bird. This teaches the bird that it gets attention with he or she is quiet, not when they are loud.

Is your bird’s environment enriching enough? If your parrot does not keep himself occupied with his toys, then you need to teach them how to play, and reward them for playing with toys. You may need to go as far as playing with the toy yourself, getting hyped up about how the toy reacts or the noise that it makes, and when your parrot becomes interested, become jealous and possessive of the toy. After a couple more times of being possessive of the toy, give it to the bird to see how he reacts. You can also shower your bird daily, or at least 3 times a week. Wet parrots don’t normally scream. You can bathe your parrot via a shower with you, with lukewarm water, outside in the rain (with clipped wings/harness/inside the cage) or with the hose outside, letting the bird have a dish inside the cage to bathe in, using a mister inside/outside on the bird spraying above the bird, or even turning the kitchen sink on and letting the bird go crazy!


At 5/18/2006 8:16 PM, Blogger jamwall

fuck the house, people should buy the bird.


At 5/19/2006 12:06 AM, Blogger Mone

Your house sounds like a lot of fun to be.
Just recently somebody told me, that he would get crazy living at my house. I said why, everything is easy...
He told me, its the noise!
TV is on in the living room, in the kitchen plays the radio and the kid is on the PC with a carracing game, you hear the brakes and stuff, the big girl has her teeny music loud in her room so you still hear it in the kitchen and somewhere in the bathroom is the radio still on, because someone forgot to turn it off...
And I didnt even notice ;)


At 5/19/2006 6:37 AM, Blogger Crabby

Minx, in your honor, soon as I get a minute, I'll make a video of the little feathered fink.

Sal, see above. Once you see them in'll feel soooo bad for me. LOL! Our house is such a freakin circus. Weird stuff always goes down when we're trying to sell a house. Last time we even got a couple of notes from people who came through looking at the house. We're like a free freak show.

Barman, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha! I am NOT takin a shower with that spawn of Satan! Once (trying to be nice) I spritzed him with a plant mister cause it was HOT. The damnable thing came running toward me in full attack mode! He chased me outa my own office! The bird is an ass!

Jam, he's for sale if you want him. Hell, he's free. I'll give him to you. I'll even pay shipping. Only reason I still have him is cause I'm the only one who'll put up with the little shit. Oh, and I can't wait till moving time. He gets rabid when we try to move him. I'll make a video. Nobody will believe me if I don't tape it.

Mone, it's good to hear mine is not the only abnormal house out there. Just think if we lived right next door to each other. LOL! We could empty out a whole neighborhood.