Friday, August 31, 2007
I thought you guys might be interested to see every now and then, the cartoons I've done that didn't get published. (often you can see why. LOL!)
These were rejected by Dog Fancy. There are tons more from lots of other types of mags. For every cartoon you get published in the beginning you get 100 back. Anyone who's ever submitted cartoons, articles, or novels, knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Of everything I ever did to make a buck, cartooning and writing have been my greatest joy. I was off to a good start with the cartoons. And often wondered why I quit doing it after finally getting my name out there. ( I honestly couldn't remember) Today I saw the date on one of my returned cartoons and realized what happened. My Mother went into the hospital the day after Christmas, close to the time my cartoons were finally being published. She died two months later. Guess I just forgot about it after that.

Ah, life. She's a weird beastie.

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posted by Crabby at 3:02 PM |


At 8/31/2007 5:00 PM, Blogger barman

Well I am going to try and pack and get my but off camping. Have a wonderful weekend. See you on Monday if you are around...

Cartons look great. I love it especially the first one. Dogs need to go outside ever 5 minutes ... unless the weather is bad. Classic.


At 8/31/2007 5:35 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

You should pick up the crayon again. :)


At 8/31/2007 7:26 PM, Blogger josh williams

yes life is a tough beatie, pick up the color sticks the middle finger towards the beastie.


At 8/31/2007 7:31 PM, Blogger Unknown

Get drawing, Crabby. Let no talent not be used. We'll expect an on-going report of all published cartoons as well as all rejection slips. Get yo nose to de grindstone, wo-man.


At 9/01/2007 6:49 AM, Blogger Judy

These are great! Very funny. Yes, you should get back to the drawing board.

I'm not sure how you could turn this into a cartoon, but my friend Shaman just wrote a senryu poem about her dog encountering a skunk. What she didn't say is that the dog is a HUGE Newfie... Can you imagine how much tomato juice she must have used?


At 9/01/2007 8:55 AM, Blogger Crabby

Well, thank you, guys!

I'm thinking I could go back to this or advertise old photo restoration and make some extra change doing that.

I enjoy both an awful lot and it would be a good way to bring in some extra Christmas cash so I don't have to use money Bob handed me to buy his gift. LOL!

(or I could buy myself a laptop)

Free enterprise. Ya gotta love it!


At 9/01/2007 9:00 AM, Blogger SignGurl

*I bow down to the talented Crabby*


At 9/01/2007 9:04 AM, Blogger Crabby

Sign...pssst. big mistake. I had dried apricots this morning and I'm tootin' like a tug boat.


At 9/03/2007 3:47 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Don't bow down to me either! Camping chili!

` Really nice cartoons, actually. I'm surprised. ...Does that sound bad?