Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I almost died today. No kidding. That's where I have been all day. Very busy almost dying.

Here's what happened. I take allergy shots because I'm allergic to dust mite poop. So I either take the shots and build up an immunity or become a really good housekeeper. I chose the shots, naturally.

Everything has gone fine and well up until today. I got my shot, dutifully waited my full 20 minutes to make sure all was well and then came home to work in the lab on my new creation. Well.......all of a sudden I started itching all over. I reached under my shirt to get a better scratch on... and I was covered with big mean looking welts. No biggie. I could live with an itch. But then, my tongue started tingling and then sort of burning, then.....it began to swell up. I am telling you, it got HUGE. By the time we were headed back to the docs where he and a nurse waited for me, my throat had begun to swell shut. It's called anaphylactic shock and it kills you very extremely dead.

They shot me up with adrenaline and gave me meds and then somebody took my vitals every 5 minutes. I was there for-freaking-ever. They were going to give me another hit of adrenaline because my tongue and throat were not improving as quickly as they should. And at one point they discussed sending me to the hospital. (I hate hospitals)

Obviously I got better but the doc says it could reoccur so I had to get this thing that I can inject myself with if my life is in danger again. In the meantime I take all this other stuff to control the anaphylactic demons.

Needless to say, my lab creation is going much more slowly than I had planned. But I am working on it. Can't say how it will turn out because frankly, I'm a little slow in the head right now. (no cracks. show some respect here. I just got back from the near dead.)

Man, that whole near death thing is wiggin me out. I am not a fan of dead people. They never DO anything you know. I'd be bored to death if I had to live with......oh wait. Never mind.
posted by Crabby at 3:13 PM |


At 1/24/2006 4:28 PM, Blogger Silver

Sorry, I stopped reading at the part were you talked about your tongue swelling.........perverted I know, but hey, I know Satan


At 1/24/2006 4:54 PM, Blogger Crabby

sigh. I must admit, I myself was intrigued by it's enormity. I have never seen a tongue that big. It was not only wide as a u-haul but deep in girth as well. The other thing I learned was, your tongue goes all the way down your throat. I have been looking in the mirror since trying to figure out just how far down it goes.

Surprisingly the big guy took his greater delight in the fact that I could not speak. hmm. Curious.


At 1/24/2006 6:52 PM, Blogger jungle jane

Jesus Crabby that's TERRIBLE mate. Can i sing for you? to make it better, like?

Look i think we should delay the gangbang. it would be too much like necrophilia in the circumastances eh?


At 1/24/2006 7:02 PM, Blogger Crabby

Hi guys! I love you all. (drugs talking)

Sadly, my chest hurts like a booger so I might be down for the night.

Roxi, I did feel a slight rise at hashbrowns. LOL!

Lady, I thought I would be at the puter tonight. Hoped so. I feel really rough around the edges thouogh. Scary bad still.

Roxie, if what I'm doing works out.... it'll be some very big fun. LOL! I'm hoping I'll be feeling much much better by tomorrow.

Jane, will you sing to me while I go to sleep? I'm just high enough to enjoy it. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha hahaha ha ha ha ha!


At 1/25/2006 1:55 AM, Blogger pkeclub

just think what a person could with a tongue that big.


At 1/25/2006 6:32 AM, Blogger ing

Hope the drugs are good and the tongue is as sharp as ever by morning. At work today my boss and I drank matés, thinking it was some sort of coffee drink. By mid-shift we were laughing our heads off and playing American Beauty.

Here's a picture of my tongue, since I know you've been dying to ask and your posting was really just a story you made up as a sort of hint. Thanks, and I'm flattered.


At 1/25/2006 7:10 AM, Blogger MilkMaid

Eeek...Crabs! Take care of the tongue, that IS a vital part of the body, yanno?

Sheesh, we can't leave ya alone for even a second.

And ... uh... mites poop too???


At 1/25/2006 7:13 AM, Blogger barman

Not to make fun of the near dead or anything but

"It was not only wide as a u-haul but deep in girth as well"

What are you talking about there? It sounds like a gals dream come true.

Don't know you but glad you survived the visit from the grim reaper.


At 1/25/2006 8:05 AM, Blogger Crabby

Larry, the big guy has been putting an awful lot of thought into that ever since yesterday.

Ing, what the heck did you and your boss drink? Did he redo his make-up too. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha! (where do I get me one of those drinks?) I admit, I have been dying to see your tongue. But psssst, mine was even BIGGER. No kidding when the doc, the big guy,and the nurse saw my licker they all said, "wow or, oh my, that is big."

Yes, milky. Mite poop. Apparently those ugly little critters run about all day pooping their brains out so even when I kill them their deadly poopers continue to haunt me like the walking dead.

Barman, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha! You and Larry MUST know the big guy. Last night in bed (while I'm still laying there sick as a battered pup, the big guy says, "You really embarrassed me today." (yeah, I fell for it and asked "When?") and he says, "When you told the doc, It feels weird to have something this big in my mouth. He swears the doctor and nurses were giving him sympathic looks.

Gotta say Barman, you fit in too well here to just be a visitor. From here on out, just call it home. You mighta noticed, you can never tell what's gonna pop off of these folks keyboards. LOL!

PS. Everyone, I am ALIVE! WOO HOO! Just a big fat headache this morning that I'm working to get rid of ...which means....let the games begin my buddies.


At 1/25/2006 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Hmmm, I'm thinking they shot you full of enepherine (sp) instead of adrenaline? That's used for allergic reactions and the injector is probably like that thing peeps use for bee stings.

Fellow allergy sufferer here - although I never had any kind of reaction like you did! That's awful.

I'm allergic to dust mites too - and mold - but after two rounds (around 10 years each - several years in between) of allergy shots - I do pretty well now. I guess I have built up at least SOME immunity. The second time I took the shots because I learned I was allergic to cats . . . and I ALREADY had a cat. LOL

Hope you feel better today! All that medicine can really wipe you out.



At 1/25/2006 9:06 AM, Blogger Crabby

Tina, the little self-shooter they hooked me up with was enephrine but the doc definitely used adrenaline yesterday. And he had a second vial lined up to hit me with again if I didn't snap back. Not to mention a very big needle. LOL! I think I willed myself better soon as I saw the size of that needle. Especially after he mentioned being conserned about possible hitting bone.

Hitting bone? I thought, "oh HELL no." ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha haha!

I had to wait so long I offered to see patients for them but they were afaid one look at me might mess up their future business. Not to mention, with my giant tongue, I didn't talk so good.

I do feel better. Wrung out like an old dish cloth but absolutely on the mend.

I'm allergic to mold too.

The really bad news is I was almost to the maintenance portion of the program. Just one more vial to get through and I could get away with just going once a month. Now I have to start the whole blastd thing all over. They are throwing out every single vial of my stuff and reworking it. ay yi yi.


At 1/25/2006 9:07 AM, Blogger Crabby

Good spellers, pay no heed to the word concern up top. I do know how to spell that one......I think.


At 1/25/2006 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

I'm allergic to dust mite poop and all sortsa other stuff and the allergy shots SCARE THE DUSTMITE POOP outta me, which is why I didn't get them and now I won't.

Singulair. A girl's best friend.

I'm glad you didn't die, that woulda sucked.


At 1/25/2006 7:00 PM, Blogger Crabby

Deb, I was not tickled about the death thing. I found out I get real mean and aggresive when I think I'm gonna die. I had my fat tongue hanging out the window yelling at fellow drivers to GET THEE HELL OUTA THE WAY. I'M DYIN HERE! then I kept after the big guy to HIT THE GAS, MAN! HIT THE GAS. SCREW THE SPEED LIMIT. Only it came out more like ..."thoo a pee imi." ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha!


At 1/26/2006 10:10 PM, Blogger Unknown

Close call. Glad you are okay.