Saturday, March 04, 2006
I am in dog hell. The MIL is off to Texas. My SIL in a display of "pissed offedness" would not take her dog to the kennel to board it. Course Ellie, MIL was horribly upset as the time neared for her flight and the kennel had closed leaving her nowhere to leave her dog. She called here crying.

Guess who now has the dog. A little house dog that has never been around other dogs. Most especially none like my 3. a.k.a. The Circus Hounds.

Ellie's dog has already peed on Bob's head trying to climb up behind him on the sofa to get away from Lucy who sincerely believes I have brought home a moving squeek toy. Molly, (Ellie's dog) has also emptied her bowels on kitchen floor.

My dogs are beside themselves with joy trembling in eager anticipation of the hunt. To them anything catchable is fair game to play tug with.
posted by Crabby at 7:15 PM |


At 3/05/2006 8:06 AM, Blogger Crabby

Cap'n, to tell the truth, I'm beginnin to fret about my own butt cheeks. Lucy appears to have flown off into full clown mode in an attempt to impress the new dog. This morning she snatched the coffee filter out of my hand and ran with it, stopping every few seconds to see if I was chasing her. Round and round we went. Kitchen, hall, living room, dining room, kitchen.... her tail wagging away and my head throbbing from the need of caffeine. Now she has something very large tucked into her jaw. Hope it's not the MILs dog.

Denny, Ellie is blind. Before I went to bed the night before my understanding was that she had decided to stay home. Somehow between then and the following morning when she called crying, she'd decided to go. Who know what the heck happened there.


At 3/05/2006 10:15 AM, Blogger MilkMaid could be worse, Miss Ellie could have came to stay with you instead of the dog.