Monday, September 11, 2006

As you mighta noticed, but probably didn't, the Cowpie Field has been rattling around in cyberspace for the past few days.

It all started when Milky and I tried to get creative. Apparently one of us left the gate open in the back room and the cows got out and took their pies with them.

Then it came back for like 40 minutes. Then it disappeared again.

Oh sure, I know you all think I was pushing buttons again..... Ok... one button. I only tried one.

I have to go now. Milky wants me to write 100 times.... I will not go behind the curtain.

(I'm gonna do 50 and write 'em big. She'll never know the difference)
posted by Crabby at 3:11 PM |


At 9/11/2006 6:53 PM, Blogger barman

Pssst, Crabby. Do it in the word processor ... you can cut and paste. You should be done in no time.

Did you teach Manny how to puch her buttons too. I see she dissapeared too. I am not sure if it is a September 11th thing or she has just gone missing.

Good to see you back. Now you know why I do not push to many buttons when I go behind the curtin. I don't have MilkMaid to help bail me out.


At 9/11/2006 6:55 PM, Blogger barman

Or was that Tumbleweed that bails people out?


At 9/11/2006 6:55 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

ARG, you and your cow chips.


At 9/11/2006 6:57 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

LOL Barman, one time, I TOTALLY accidently deleted every single solitary post and comment on her very long standing message board.

OOoops. ;)


At 9/11/2006 9:15 PM, Blogger Crabby

LMAO! Barman, I taught nobody nuttin. I'm a goooood girl. (with sore fingers from button pushing)

Now Milky, ya know ya love me. kiss kiss.

Running now.


At 9/11/2006 9:15 PM, Blogger Crabby

PS. It's still here. That's really good, huh?

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha!


At 9/11/2006 10:17 PM, Blogger GAB

glad your back


At 9/11/2006 11:29 PM, Blogger barman

You and Manny both say the same thing

"I'm a goooood girl."

Why do I get the feeling that I may want to question that?


At 9/11/2006 11:31 PM, Blogger barman

MilkMaid, if you do not make a mistake ;) every now and then she would have you doing all sorts of things for her. Good plan on your part.


At 9/12/2006 1:42 AM, Blogger Mone

I think you and Manny were pushing the buttons behind the curtin. And you are the winner! First one out!
Glad to see you back!


At 9/12/2006 4:36 AM, Blogger Crabby

Barman, shhhh. Don't tell her that. She'll start experimenting again. Who knows what we might come in here and find hangin out on the cowpie field. LOL!

Mone! kiss kiss kiss! Nice to see ya again. LOL!

Denny, I know nothing. Wait... that came out wrong. I meant to say, well, I'm not sure what I meant to say.

PS. Did you guys know cowpies float in cyber space?


At 9/12/2006 4:44 AM, Blogger Crabby

Gab! Hunny, I'm home. sort of. We can't link me back to this original site anymore through my profile.


At 9/12/2006 6:01 AM, Blogger barman

Oh wow, I came here from a link off my blog so I had no idea that you were not linked. How weird is that?

Looks like you guys confused the blog program. Probably have more than a few programmers wondering what you did. Hopefully they can find the button you pushed and put an out of order sign on it.


At 9/12/2006 6:40 AM, Blogger MilkMaid

Do cowpies float in your morning cereal too?

DENNY...stop that lol!


At 9/12/2006 8:50 AM, Blogger Crabby

Barman, I lied. It wasn't just one button. LMAO! I dunno what I did. Anyhow, we're workin on it. I feel confident we can fix this. Just needs some tweeking......maybe.

Milky, want me to send ya one so you can test it. LOL!


At 9/12/2006 9:08 AM, Blogger Unknown

Don't do that again or I'll chop your fingers off and feed them to my pet goanna :D


At 9/12/2006 9:10 AM, Blogger Unknown

And no I'm not suggesting that your name is Anna.
Go Anna, go Anna, go Anna, goooooo Anna!!



At 9/12/2006 9:30 AM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Haaaaa-lelujah! Hooray and zippidy doo-dah! I may put a post up about this on my blog I am so excited!

` ...I think there should be a sign in cyberspace saying; "Caution: Floating Cow Pies!"


At 9/12/2006 10:13 AM, Blogger Crabby

Gareth, what's a goanna? ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha! I'll be good. I hope. But we are trying to give the old girl a face lift which surprisingly enough appears not to be my forte'. LOL!

Milky says we have to do everything on a practice board first now. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha!

Seequin! HUG HUG! Did ya miss me? I think your floating cowpies idea for a post is a good one. I can tell you from first hand experience when you're out there in cyber space trying to chase them down, it's dangerous. Not to mention, they're slippery little suckers.


At 9/12/2006 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Hello, Crabcake.

My name is Winters and I am an
Englishman in Paris.

I have never met anyone called Crabcake before. Let alone one with such delightful cowpies.

Thanks for expanding my horizons.


At 9/12/2006 3:40 PM, Blogger Suze

Crabby, I can help you round the cows back up but I can't fix bloody Blogger. :(


At 9/12/2006 4:01 PM, Blogger Crabby

Winters, LOL1 You're welcome but truth is when I was trying to make this blasted thing I didn't know I could use any name and just had to take what I could on the addy. So the only thing I could think of that nobody would have was...crabcake.

Suze, blogger has been in the dumper lately hasn't she? Some sites right now I can't even get the comments to come up on. I fear they may have somebody like me behind their curtain. If that's true, we're all in trouble. LMAO!


At 9/12/2006 4:55 PM, Blogger Zen Wizard

I thought I detected a whiff of methane gas...


At 9/12/2006 6:10 PM, Blogger barman

Denny has a thing? How did he get a thing? I want a thing! Not his but, I want a thing!!! lol

Oh, oh, oh ... I have to go watch a rude doctor show!


At 9/12/2006 8:53 PM, Blogger barman

I see a new look for the cowpie field. Woot!


At 9/13/2006 1:22 AM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` You know, Crabby, the cowpies in the picture appear to be floating all by themselves.... My boyfriend even commented about it.


At 9/13/2006 5:41 AM, Blogger Crabby

Zen, I'm afraid they've contaminaed several blogs as they floated over. I might have to build a fence or something. Wonder if there are any tools in the backroom?

Denny, no chance. You can't see a "thing" out there through all those runaway cowpies. (ba dop BOP! that was vaudville. really bad vaudville but a valiant attempt)

Barman, apparently Denny doesn't have a "thing" now. ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha. It's gone missing.

Pssst. We are giving her new look. I'm working on the header. Not allowed to touch anything else. LMAO! I actually have orders.

Seequin, they do? I can't even tell that here. I've heard stuff looks different on different monitors. That's kinda cool. LOL!


At 9/13/2006 5:54 AM, Blogger Rainypete

Are you still pressing buttons out there? This thing keeps looking just don't learn (wiping stray pies off the screen).


At 9/13/2006 7:29 AM, Blogger Crabby

shhhhh. Pete! Not so loud. We don't want to wake Milky up till I finish in the back room.

PS. Do you happen to know what this red button does?


At 9/13/2006 11:52 AM, Blogger Unknown

I hate when my cows get out.


At 9/13/2006 12:29 PM, Blogger Crabby

Kept, it's been rough. Chasing cows. Carrying giant plastic bags to dispose of wayward cowpies. I'm beat.


At 9/13/2006 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

You fucking scared me with your shennanigans. Don't. Do. That. Again. Or I will conjure up Potsie Webber to permanently loosen your bowels.


At 9/13/2006 3:09 PM, Blogger Crabby

Debbie, Potsie Webber? ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I'm only in the back room now to figure out where to put the new header pic. No worries. I couldn't possibly mess that up.


At 9/13/2006 4:06 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

Ahhh...looks like I made it back home just in time!


At 9/13/2006 4:54 PM, Blogger SignGurl

Crabby's been a bad,bad girl.


At 9/13/2006 5:35 PM, Blogger Crabby

Milky, um....sayyyy. You're home early. bet you're tired. Why don't you take a little nap?



At 9/13/2006 8:11 PM, Blogger ing

Don't give in to temptation! I changed ny blog all around in the beginning, and now I'm pretty much satisfied, so I leave it be. I do the same in many aspects of my life. Easier that way.


At 9/13/2006 9:16 PM, Blogger Crabby

ING! kiss kiss...mwah! Nice to see your shining face! er...eye. LOL! Any part of you is nice to see.

ok. That didn't sound right. It's late. I'm old.


At 9/13/2006 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

Splashing holy water on all you sinners and tossing a fiver in the plate for milkmaid.


At 9/14/2006 5:42 AM, Blogger barman

Jane, not holy water. It is not Saturday. I don't need to take a bath so soon.


At 9/14/2006 5:53 AM, Blogger Crabby

Jane, psssst. You isp is showing. you might want to go below and count the site meter"s".


At 9/14/2006 10:06 AM, Blogger Crabby

Guys, I hate to out anyone but the truth is, Jane is really ........................Donald Trump. He's been following me around for days now. He wants me. I keep telling him, I'm not into married men but....what can I say ... I'm a man magnet.


At 9/14/2006 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

My ISP information is no secret. Milkmaid knows I am on sabbatical. In Kraplacistan.

Come now, if you are going to be talking about cowpies, don't you need a resident shit stirrer?


At 9/14/2006 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Give it a rest Jane, you ignorant slut. Here's a fiver for your plate, go repent.


At 9/14/2006 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

All it takes is one bible-beltin' jesus lovin asshole like me to really increase your blog hits. I provide this service free of charge but a fiver for the plate is always welcome



Deb, with all of your potsie poop talk you are going straight to hell and I can't wait.


At 9/14/2006 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Boy Jane, with us responding to each other continuously like this you'd almost think we were the same person or something.

Except that you suck.


At 9/14/2006 11:33 AM, Blogger Crabby

Now, Deb. Give Jane her due. At least she leaves money when she comes. We've collected 10 bucks in DQ funds so far people! WOOOOOOOT!

Jane, Gareth is a very bad boy. I think you should drop a ten spot in for him. Oh and hose him down too.

Donald, I know you're out there with your expensive binoculars, staring at my bodacious chesicles again. I am sooo calling Malina or...damn, is that cookie? Ok, I can't remember her name. But I'm calling!


At 9/14/2006 11:35 AM, Blogger Crabby

PS. Deb, we loaded two site meters on accident. Neither one is worth a damn. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha! Oh man, some days it's kinda fun to be dumb.


At 9/16/2006 8:26 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA...see what happens when I don't read back on the old posts around here?? I MISS SHIT.


At 9/18/2006 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Yeah. MISS SHIT is a good name for you, Milkmaid.


At 9/18/2006 5:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Oh god, here we fucking go again


At 9/18/2006 6:07 AM, Blogger MilkMaid

Jane, you ignorant slut.