Last night just as I was drifting off into slumberville, something bounced into my outstreched knee under the covers. MOUSE! I KNEW it had to be a mouse. So I slapped it away.
"OW! SHIT!" Bob says immediately, moaning in obvious misery.
"Did it bite you?" I asked him, beating the living hell outa the covers all around him everywhere I could find to hit. (never occured to me to turn on the light)
"What the hell are you doing?" he asks me, still muttering curses and groaning like moose in heat.
"What do ya think I'm doin? I'm "trying" to kill the mouse. You might wanna help out before we both get bit." Sometimes he can be soooo friggin slow to act.
"You really are crazy. You're not pretending, are you? Not just trying to be cute. You really are nuts."
"exCUSE me?"
I'll spare you the rest of what was said due to blue language and a most surly attitude.
Turns out, apparently, all of Bob wasn't asleep yet. Little Bob was up and still looking around for a good time.
Like ...... I'm suppose to know this? It felt like a mouse to me.
Milky, Little? No. Oh no. Nuh ugh. No, I didn't. Not little. Just a tad smaller than the whole bob. LOL!
Suze, no. No fur. But in my defense I was almost asleep when he popped over. LMAO! You know, just before I attacked him.
(I am never gonna hear the end of this. He's still saying things like, I can't believe you tried to kill Mr. Happy. ) ahhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha!
Mr. Socal, I'm just curious, and you can e-mail me if you want and keep it private but, How come you did it? Seriously, I gotta know. Was it cause you could? Or something else?
My e-mail is
What ever you tell me stays with me. Honest. I really am just curious.
Poly, please don't say "little". LMAO!
Sign, Tell me "little bob" isn't in print here. I didn't, did I?
He's still accusing me of damaging his goods. Geesh! I was defending his goods from the mouse for cryin out loud.
Zen, it felt like a mouse, I tell you. It kept bobbing into me, like a mouse nose.
Brighton, sigh. I know. He's not dropped that either. I can tell I'm in for years and years of torture over this from him. I gotta get game. LOL!
Maybe Manny has room!
I wondered why you were calling it that. I know, I have the solution to all of this. You know how some of the bigest guys are often called tiny? It is like that only Little means Big in this case. I think it works.
Let me see if I can chase up a cup from big Bob so he can sleep safely. Then again, that is what got LB in trouble to begin with. did NOT just call it LITTLE bob, did you????