Friday, September 01, 2006

We are waiting for word from the doggie hospital. Lucy is very sick. We suspect she's been poisoned but the doc has not told us anything yet. They're running tests now.

She won't die. I won't allow it. She is my best friend. Oddly she is everyones best friend. Even Bob who firmly said, "No more dogs!" has been won over by this goofy golden clown.

Jake who is constantly devising new and unique ways to rid the world of my animals, managed somehow, as you can see in this picture, to love this one. Sadly he also taught her how to chase her tail which is extremely embarrassing because she goes round and round till she gets

so dizzy she falls over. Making her look even more goofy than she is.

If Lucy died who would Smilin George race around the yard with in their constant chase of imaginary bad guys? Who would help him dig up buried treasures like rocks and sticks and stink bugs?

Who would wait patiently every night for the sound of the tv snapping off to run up and give Bob sloppy dog kisses whilst knocking all manner of things off my coffee table with her forever happy tail?

Who would walk into the room carrying the most unexpected junk?

Who would bring in rock after rock until I had bags and bags of them hidden under my desk?

Who would make me laugh when I least expected to find a laugh in me?

So, you see, Lucy can't leave this world. She simply can't. Because we need her. And I won't have her dying on us.

She's goofy and she drools like mad. Her hair rolls round the house like giant tumbleweeds. She is ALWAYS into something. Just a royal pain in the butt.

I miss her terribly.
posted by Crabby at 8:07 AM |


At 9/01/2006 9:17 AM, Blogger MilkMaid

Oh yikes, my heart is sinking.

Hold my hand, we'll get thru this like we get thru everything else.

She is going to be fine, I just know it. xxoo


At 9/01/2006 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

I'm so sorry crabby - I hope she gets better very soon.


At 9/01/2006 10:05 AM, Blogger SignGurl

I'm crying here. I hope she pulls through.



At 9/01/2006 10:17 AM, Blogger Crabby

No word yet. She's so sick. It's weird I want to call but I'm afraid to call.

And now the bank has called and said somebody has been using my credit card. $900 at Amazon and more charges at a place called and some other stuff. I've never used the card so it was a no brainer that I didn't make the charges.

This day has to get better, right?


At 9/01/2006 10:27 AM, Blogger Pat & Reg

Yikes. You're having one f*cked up week. I hope the baby will be feeling better and bringing in strange items soon. I also hope they string up the a-hole who's using your card.


At 9/01/2006 12:21 PM, Blogger Polyman2

My heart goes out to you. I had a cat that was poisoned by a neighbor years back.
I think the first few days are the most dangerous. Hopefully Lucy makes it. She looks like a sweetheart.


At 9/01/2006 12:33 PM, Blogger Crabby

Just came home with Lucy. Her red and white blood cells are extremely low. Doc says this could be consistant with the amount of water she's drinking.

Symptoms are indicitive of kidney infection though test for infection comes back negative Cushings is another possibility though she is very young for that. Also several other things. Blood work shows no diabetes.

They are not happy with their findings because their tests are not telling them what they need to know.

The doc has opted to put her on antibotics for 10 days to see if this may be an infection. After that she goes back for another test. If she has not improved, she will have to go to OSU animal hospital for more extensive testing than my doc is able to do.

Not poisoning.

The bad news is, we don't know what's wrong and have to wait to see if these pills will help her. This is touchy because they didn't give her an injection. I had to give the pills which she may throw back up. I'm scratching my head over why in thee hell they wouldn't give that first dose in shot form so she could keep it down. I'm trying to keep her as quiet as possible. She is panting excessively and whimpers from time to time. (I had to take her water away until I'm sure she'll keep the meds down)

The panting worries me. Very rapid and her entire body is shaking.

The other bad news is, she weighs friggin 91 pounds. No wonder she's so hard to pick up! Guess Lucy and I will be going on a today.

The good news is, sick at she is, she still managed to break free of the kennel they had her in and chase their cat which stood there hissing for all she was worth. Course to Lucy, this kitty is just a new friend. To the kitty, Lucy is a giant pain in the ass. (I know the feeling, kitty)

Let's hope she keeps these pills down. And hope more she takes a nap. OH my word you have no idea how long a night we had. She has to urinate every 4 minutes or so.


At 9/01/2006 12:39 PM, Blogger Crabby

Geez, sorry for the book up there.

Thank you, you guys. It means so much to me you cared and were here to talk to and hold me up when I needed it.

As much trouble as she can be sometimes, what can I say, I love her.
She's my friend.

Milky, thanks for the IMs. Thanks for being you. I do love you, my friend.


At 9/01/2006 12:47 PM, Blogger Crabby

Poly, I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I can't imagine anyone doing something so cruel.

Sometimes I think God put the wrong speicies in charge of the planet, you know?

The capacity some men and women have for cruelty troubles me. Happily I think we have more genuinely good folks out there, than bad.


At 9/01/2006 2:52 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

*muwah* Love you back.

So glad to read they let her come home, everybody does better at home and that includes Lucy.


At 9/01/2006 2:56 PM, Blogger Crabby

I don't know, Milky. Now she won't eat. She's just not right, you know? She seems sicker than before. Can antibiotics make you tired? Could that be it?


At 9/01/2006 2:59 PM, Blogger Crabby

PS, you guys. The credit card fraud division is investigating what happened with my card.

I don't know exactly how they're doing it but I've gotten mails from Amazon also saying things are being investigated.

I'll be tickled if they catch the person responsible. Apparently they are really cracking down on this kind of thing. Good to know.


At 9/01/2006 3:37 PM, Blogger barman

OK, so I should not spend any more on that credit card at Amazon. Good to know! LOL

Poor Lucy. Be ready for the worst and hopefully the best will happen. Lucy has to make it. It is just so sad to lose a friend.

*hugs* for you both and a few scratches behind the ears and on the chest ... for Lucy. I hope all is well soon.


At 9/01/2006 8:23 PM, Blogger GAB

Awww no thats awful. I hope she gets better. My cats are like that to me too. Pain in the butt but I cant live without them.


At 9/01/2006 9:43 PM, Blogger Lori

Oh, thoughts are out for Lucy to be OK. Such a cutie pie.


At 9/03/2006 12:51 AM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Poor puppy! I know someone whose dog went to OSU. He's alive.