Friday, September 01, 2006
I'm removing several links and adding fresh new ones.

I'll be scouting around for new, fun, places, hoping to make the Field's link list a place where you can always connect to a good time. So if you know of sites I don't have that you think are a lot of fun, give me a heads up. I'll check it out.

Meanwhile, as you know from the below post, not havin such a great day. Lucy continues to appear more and more ill to me. Hoping this will pass.

And the dirty low-life, theiving, asshole that tried to run up an enormous debt on my credit card better hide back under his rock cuz when they find ..... ok....

big breaths. in ........ and out. in ....... and out. Peace, love, and .....

Fuck it. If they find him, he better have a high tolerance for pain cuz I'm gonna run yardsticks up his looser nose and set them on fire. Miserable theiving bastard.
posted by Crabby at 3:34 PM |


At 9/01/2006 4:07 PM, Blogger Pirate

I hope you keep coming back to mine since i am back to stay. we had a puppy sick fiasco a few weeks ago. Turns out after $500 the fella had a bad stomach ache.


At 9/01/2006 4:29 PM, Blogger matty

Oh, sweetie. Sending you many positive thoughts for both you and your baby. I am so behind on reading my fave blogs. Hang in there.

...similar thing once happened to me with one of my former credit cards --AND AND Ebay. I closed both accounts. Amazon was great about it. Ebay was not. Arghhhh!


At 9/01/2006 4:36 PM, Blogger MilkMaid


ahahahahahahaaaaaa.. Do you remember THAT post way back when?

tee hee....have a good weekend and please let us know how Lucy is doing when you can.


At 9/01/2006 6:02 PM, Blogger Crabby

Priate! happy to see you back, sir. I'm hoping Lucy does as well. She's still pretty sick. Bob is spoiling her rotten.

Matt, Hi, baby! Don't feel bad. I haven't done so well about visiting myself. Summer always seems to slow us down. We're hangin tough and hoping for the best. She seems pretty worn out but we had a hell of a night last night. I haven't fretted this much since Jake was a wee babe and got very sick. Sigh. I'm pathetic. LOL!

Milky, YES! I do remember. ARRRRGH! Came after me on my own board and then, THEN she had the nerve to correct my spelling. What a bitch. LMAO!


At 9/01/2006 6:03 PM, Blogger Crabby

Pirate, I meant to say I hope Lucy does as well as your pup. Not that I hope she's happy to see you back. Don't tell anyone but, Lucy doesn't read the blogs.


At 9/02/2006 5:27 AM, Blogger Manny

This one time at band camp...

Back in 1997 about 2 month's after we moved into the house we had built, our bank statement came. Honestly it laid there for 4 days before Chad opened it. I was busy and he called me to the den. He pointed out over $1900. in purchases. They all took place online.

I called the bank and did everything they requested. The lady at the bank said she was suprised none of our check's bounced. It was a good thing I inisist on leaving a 'cushion' in my checking account.

Turn's out some little twit at a gas station Chad went to made a note of his debit card #'s and had a hayday.

Within 5 days the bank gave us all our money back and little twit ended up having prosecutors climbing his behind.

I went after that boy with a vengenge. That's when Chad realized I had built myself quite the "support network"

How's Lucy?


At 9/02/2006 5:27 AM, Blogger Manny

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At 9/02/2006 6:20 AM, Blogger Crabby

Thank you to everyone for your mails and prayers. It means more than I can tell you.

manny, Lucy is still a very sick girl. She may be a little better but it's hard to say. She made it through the night. And she wagged her tail when I hugged her this morning.

Ick and she just walked over, looked up at me and belched! Ewwww! But sadly now she's gone back to her kennel. Poor girl. She just doesn't feel good enough to be out for very long.


At 9/02/2006 8:01 AM, Blogger Mouthy Girl

*hard hugs* Crabbers

How is Lucy today? I've been sending some good Buddha energy your way.

Keep us updated on her progress as well as the work the fraud division's doing on your credit card fiasco. Crapola.


At 9/02/2006 9:22 AM, Blogger Crabby

I "think" she's better. It's hard to say yet. But we're keeping a close eye on her. She tried to climb all 91 pounds of her hefty self up in my lap so she's definitely getting her energy back. LOL!


At 9/02/2006 11:02 AM, Blogger Suze

Crabby, I'm so sorry to hear about porr Lucy. I hope she is pulling through.

Sending you big *hugs*


At 9/02/2006 11:10 AM, Blogger barman

I had to interupt my camping weekend to pick up some firewood and check up on Lucy. I hope she continues to get better bit by bit.

*hugs* for my Sis and my favorite neice (Lucy).

Please do let us know how things are going.


At 9/03/2006 12:55 AM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Poor puppy (again). I am sending her thoughts of cats and chickens and cheese.

` Man, I've been too busy to keep up with your blog... but at least I left you comments just the same. ;)