It's not long
or red anymore. When I went I told them what ever you do, don't give me a neat cut. Cause I am not a neat person. I'm sloppy and disorganized. So they gave me a sloppy, disorganized cut. ahhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's about 15 different lengths.
One thing for sure. It's easier. I don't have to do anything but wash it. I could get caught in a tornado and it would still look the same. Not sure that's a good thing. Ok. What do you think, long and red better? Or short and blonde?
PS. One dumb blonde joke and I'll chase you down.
posted by Crabby at 12:19 PM |
At 1/05/2006 2:03 PM,
Well gosh darn, diddly god damn, it is about time you got a fucking blog.
At 1/05/2006 2:11 PM,
This heer GD blob dernt werth the peble poop ern the grund!
stoopid batches!
At 1/05/2006 2:26 PM, Crabby
Hey, Thanks Lady Hearteater. There's another pic of me further down the blog in my ho coat with the red hair. That way you can compare. It feels good for sure. (pssst. don't tell anybody but those chesticles I'm sportin' is a bag of socks I got for Christmas.) ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha!
Hiya, Deb! How the hell are ya?
Ok, I'm decipher hunyjives comment for those of you who don't read this language. I'm quite good at it, actually. He said, "Dahling, you look mahvolous. Pretty please post batches and batches of more pics of yourself. (My answer is, but of course)
At 1/05/2006 3:21 PM, Crabby
Thanks, Deb!
Yanno, Red. Pretty much everybody now says me and my trusty dog look like sisters. Same color hair and we both drool when we see edibles.
At 1/05/2006 4:48 PM, Crabby
Anybody hear the sound of buzzing flies? OO wait, there goes one right up honey's.....ew. Ok. That was nasty.
At 1/05/2006 4:50 PM, Crabby
PS. It's obvious Hondy is jealous of my gi-normous chesticles.
What can I say. When ya got 'em. Ya got 'em.
At 1/05/2006 4:53 PM, Crabby
LOL! Anonymous I caught your spelling disease. ahhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha. honey .... h-o-n-e-y not hondy.
ugh oh. Did I just post 3 times in a row on my own blog?
Pretend it isn't me. I don't wanna get called lame again. Pisses me off so bad the chesticles start twitchin.
At 1/05/2006 5:00 PM, MilkMaid
You do realize, if we put bells on them when they twitch, we'd have a show and could kick CuntyHive to the curb and make enough dough to pay for our private island and drinks with umbrellas.
Come on....
At 1/05/2006 5:11 PM, Crabby
Yeah, sure ok. We could super-glue a couple of bells on the chesticles. But they only twitch when I'm really pissed off.
I guess. .... I could stop taking my hormones. You know me. Anything for a buck.
At 1/05/2006 6:36 PM, MilkMaid
AHAHAHAHAHAH JJ....ahahahahaha...CRABBY, don't hit me.
..hhheeeeee ahaahahabABABHABhbhhh SNARF.
At 1/05/2006 10:56 PM, Crabby
OOOOOOOOOO! NO YOU TWO DID NOT JUST GO THERE! Milky! Jane! C'mere a minute. No really. It's ok. I won't hurt ya. Just a little closer. Look. I have candy.
At 1/05/2006 10:57 PM, Crabby
Lady, I do believe it's time to put Honey out of her misery. Tune in tomorrow. I know a place where I can put her that we won't be able to hear her at all. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
At 1/06/2006 9:33 AM, Crabby
Larry, I do believe it might be true. I had a hell of a time last night but that might have been the Bud. Half a beer and nose gets numb. LOL! Give me a whole one and I'm in happy land.
Thanks, Trouble. I'm enjoying my sock chesticles. They give me a great sense of balance. Only problem is, they keep falling out onto the floor. Maybe I could borrow some duct tape from the guys.
At 1/06/2006 2:16 PM, Tumbleweed
You're gettin the hang of that program! Go back to red, there are enough of us blondes out there. Several of them whorey and skanky. You know who you are!
I was gone yesterday, just getting caught up.
Well gosh darn, diddly god damn, it is about time you got a fucking blog.