For 10 long years I have held back. I tried. I truely tired not to do it. But some things are too big to be controlled.
It is done.
This morning, I released my Mother's curse, passing it on to my only child (who when all other family pass on would leave me old and feeble while the vultures circle, in the sole care of my husbands x wife. Who just happens to take a yearly inventory of my possessions as near as she can figure them. The asshole.)
But I digress.
It was a selfish, nasty thing to do.....and to my credit, I did hold back for 10 long years...... I find myself gleeful....nay giddy with new found freedom.
Curse? You ask, sniggering.
I would caution you not to mock the curse. I have felt the bitter sting of it for the past 30 years. A curse straight from the bowels of hell. The chant is simple enough...."I hope you have a child just like you." Seems harmless, doesn't it?
Not so. It is a festering boil on the ass of anyone who suffers under it. And now.....NOW it has been passed on to my son and I am finally and forever rid of it. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!

Milky, bi-polar is just a fancy name for asshole. I prefer asshole...or bitch. Actually, I really like bitch a lot. Let's call me that.
pssssst. seriously, I think maybe I have finally gone round the bend. But...I rather fancy it out here. I'm stayin.
sigh. I'll spare Santa. But soon as you get your chesticles...he's toast, right along with the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy. (frankly I never much trusted the tooth fairy. Always sneaking into the house in the middle of the night, taking peoples teeth. What the hell does she do with all those teeth?)
It puts the lotion on it's skin....bwaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha!
I gotta do yard work. I should be dead by oh....2 or so. Assuming I get out there and stay put which is not looking too likely. I keep coming back in here. And now I'm wanting a rootbeer float. I may have to take my stinky pits into the market and pick up some stuff to make floats.
Motivate me. Make me work! I hate this friggin avatar and blogger won't let me replace it. It keeps saying I have to use a jpeg. It IS a blasted jpeg.
How does a maid milk a crab? Or, better yet, how does a crab bake a cake?
Okay, for a real comment, I've said it, too. I've also called my mom (I'm sorry you don't have that luxury anymore, Honey) and apologized or ever being "a teenager" to her, in the past. She just laughs and says my girls will do the same, one day. Don't fret, oh delectible one, his heart won't be broken. He'll just be pissy for a few days. ;)
Friday, good questions. Maid has not milked me recently. sigh. Something I said, I guess.
My teenager is 30 and leaving Friday for California to live with a gal he met on the net, 3 months or so ago. And he has no plans to return. Needless to say, family and friends are not only stunned but sad and somewhat concerned. bob and I will be running naked through the house Friday night. Film at 11.
Men, don't ask. I'm not packing up and moving in with you. I know. I know. I'm deletable. Desirable. Nice hoots. Good hair. But I'm stayin put. People here would just be miserable without me. I mean...look at me. Nuf said.
Sal, now you have 3. Look around man! Look around. We're everywhere.
Now see I would be in trouble here because I do not have enyone to pass that along to.
Tell you what. Split what happened in two and I will take half of it and you can take the other half. Then it is not nearly as bad.
Oh my, I see an opportunity. Milk Maid could run around as Crabby running around as M-E. You could get things all confusticated. That would be fun.
I think you are fucking bi-polar.
ahahahahahaha....uh, can you spare Santa Claus, I'm still waiting on him to bring me some newer chesticles and I'm not ready to give up on that wish yet.