Oh and PS. Sign I was lookin for sweet hearts and junk to post with these words but this pic came up and me being me.....well ............................ it's just so cool.
Sorry, I'll find a cuddly teddy too. Unless the image search pulls up roadkill or something equally irresistable to my damaged brain cells.

At 6/14/2006 5:01 PM, SignGurl
You girls are the best! It never fails that when some shit is going down, you are there to support me. I could not ask for better friends. I only hope that one day we will meet and do some serious damage together.
I really have moved on from the losers. I don't have time to give them anything. I feel awesome!
Milky, methinks me detects a wee bit o' jealousy here. Not to fret. We can share this lovely pic. I'll give it to you on holiday's, like Christmas.
Sign, it's not us baby. It's you. You may not know it but you are a sweet and fun-loving soul. And most of the people who know you are always going to be standing there by you and for you because we know what rare gift you are.
Barman, you fogot WOOT!
Manny, yuh huh. I did. ahhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha! I was drawn to it like flies to....er like....well...yeah, I did.
You wish you were as much fun as me. Cheer up little sister. I have a 12 year start on you. You'll get there.
Crabbie Jo Bob is not only all heart but she can tear a mean belch just by swallowing air. (it's a talent)
Mone, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha! What did ya almost have for breakfast?
Mone, nutella is excellent! You can eat that stuff right out of the jar. YUM!
Buddah girl, you're not toying with me, right? I can really have the pics? Cause you know they'd be front and center. LOL!
I took a pic of my finger after it was seriously messed up "again" My fingers are always getting banged and twisted or stuck in something. LOL! That pic just freaked Jake right out. ahhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha! Actually, I used to chase him around the room with my finger. It was great!
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Ok...I think this humor missed the mark Crabs LOL!
EWWWWWWWWww what the hell are you thinking???
Gah gah gah!
Sign...you rock, you are beautiful and I can't wait until you feel the healthy that matches that beauty. And again, phuck those negative idiots.