Mrs. Santa is a femme fatale! A rare beauty, admired by men and animal alike. (except for small, possibly edible animals.
Mrs. Santa smells cake.
Mrs. Santa sees cake.
Seconds later, belly filled to brimming, the ever sexual Mrs. Claus is ready for the big guy to come hither and play.
(unless of course the chocolate cake runs thru too quickly. In which case several time-outs will be called to release painful gas bubbles.)
I don't know about you, but I think Santa's a pretty lucky guy.
At 12/21/2006 11:40 AM, Crabby
Gareth, it is indeed a Shamrock! I live in a very Irish city here in Ohio. Everything we do has Irish in it and ... some kind of edible. LOL!
Seequin, very few people do know how hot Mrs. Claus is. Sad, really. Cigs???
g-man, Oh fer sure. He is lucky. If only every man could be so fortunate.
Arnold, I can't blame you. She really is "all that".
Angela, I DO know Charlotte's Web. LOL! So it is funny. I love that story.
Mone, Merry Christmas right back to you, my friend.
Barman, now you know, Lucy does it all. She's multi-talented. Sadly, she's also drooling over my pig nose. I see a catasrophe in my future. Especially if I'm wearing it.
PS. Wait'll I post what the sot said yesterday to our server. He is soooo gonna get his butt kicked. LOL!
Suze, Sorry, no cake left and I ate the chocolate covered pretzels I got for gifts too. ahhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha! Somebody really needs to be in charge of me. I have willpower issues. I am making cookies tomorrow though! You can have those.
At 12/21/2006 12:22 PM, Crabby
Dan! Get that mind outa the gutter, my man. That dog is a girl. However, I must confess she is not allowed in the bathroom when Bob is having his shower on account of....she thinks, you a tug toy. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha! She dive bombs it anytime she sees it which causes bob to scream like a little girl.
Ummm is it just me or is that a shamrock on your hat?? Do I need to point out that it's almost Christmas and that's what were are all talking about not St Patrick's Day ;-)
Present shopping done yet??