Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I like to dedicate this little post to Milky. Just to take her mind off those irritating hunger pains. Cause....what are pals for? I mean...really?

Dear Milky,
This is your colon.
 your colon hose.


No really. I enjoyed mine. snicker snicker.

But for tonight don't anybody dare say anything about food. She gets real cranky.

pssssssst. Milky, did ya drink it yet?
Is it too soon to shout...."BOMBSSSS AWAYY!"
Are you getting videos like I told ya too?


posted by Crabby at 3:22 PM |


At 8/01/2007 3:42 PM, Blogger SIMON

Oh crabby rocks!
I ask you who else could post that?


At 8/01/2007 3:48 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

ho ho ho.

yer so fucking funny.

MilkMan and Little Kid are going to cheap Mexican without me to celebrate his birthday.



At 8/01/2007 4:00 PM, Blogger Crabby

Ebezp, thank you! LOL! Milky's a little testy tonight.

Milky, what do ya mean? I'm here! Aren't I here? What more could you want?


At 8/01/2007 4:14 PM, Blogger barman

If you have never done this before Milky, the worst part of it is that go lightly (or what ever that cr.. stuff is called) or the other thing they have you do. It was not a pleasant experience for sure and to go with basically nothing for that time... who invented this torture?

I have been through two of them and mine have been uneventful other than they found polyps that removed and checked, no big deal. My sister had a little cramps but not to bad. You'll do fine then you can catch up on the f o o d stuff.

Hey now there is a picture you could post for HNT that no one could top.


At 8/01/2007 4:43 PM, Blogger Manny

I burnt my very first cd! And I posted about it.


At 8/01/2007 5:26 PM, Blogger Manny

What in the heck did I walk in to here anyway?


At 8/01/2007 6:51 PM, Blogger SignGurl

Crabby, you ARE mean!! Poor Milkmaid, oh yeah, and poor Bob.


At 8/01/2007 9:18 PM, Blogger G-Man

Words of advice....
Do Not attempt to pass wind without taking precautions.....
Hehehehehe...I've had 3 of them...
Clean as a whistle!!


At 8/01/2007 10:53 PM, Blogger GAB

Hey milkmaid cheer up one day soon I know you will get your shot at crabby. and boy or boy I cant wait to read that post!


At 8/02/2007 3:25 AM, Blogger Manny

I won the random comment prize on interview blogger! I woke up this morning and Mike had sent me an e mail. WOOT!


At 8/02/2007 5:17 AM, Blogger Crabby

Barman, I keep TRYING to get her to bring pics back. She's in a very foul mood for some reason. (snicker snicker)

Zen, ;D

Manny, you are becoming a computer nerd. WOOT!

Sign! Why...why....hrmph!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha!

G-man, I sang alllll through mine. I know cause the nurses were laughing when they rolled me out. They said I sang "I wanna dance with somebody" loud as I could. The whole office heard. LOL!

GABBY! I'm shocked .. annnnd stunned. LOL!

Manny, what did you win?


At 8/02/2007 5:43 AM, Blogger barman

You were singing? I hope they gave you something and it was just not you singing just for the heck of it. Myself I have not been put on Valium or what ever else they give people so I would have no excuse for ... um, unusual, behavior.


At 8/02/2007 5:55 AM, Blogger Kingcover

You are a cruel cruel woman! I like you though, lol.
I always eat my ice-cream in that exact position too. That's uncanny!

And I know what you were singing during yours - "I'm forever blowing bubbles". Right?