You all know I've been workin like a dervish around here to beautify my house and yard by June 1st so, I can list it on the market for sale.
Well sir. I made a fair bit of progress. Then.......these pulled up in my front yard. A 12 foot deep trench has to be dug from the street alllllll the way across my front yard......

Jake and I decided since we have the big Bubba equipment right there in the comfort of our own yard....might as well take a photo op.
I'm considering borrowing one of these babies to finish my scrub clearing in the
back. Assuming we still have a back when they're finished.

I have an idea. Why not move the big boys over to the neighbors house when they are not looking. If you are lucking, when the workers show up they will dig up their property instead of yours.
Now is that a plan or what?
Now the trench is one thing but let me third the WTF from Milky at least as far as the deck is concerned. Can't you delay them for a few months?
WTF is dead on. That's what I said. You all will remember, or at least Milky will, that when I first moved in here 6 years ago there was a neighborhood vote to bring in city water and sewer.
I did not want to do that because our well was brand new and we have an aquafer (sp) which basically means an unlimited supply of "free" water. There were at least 4 other neighbors who also did not particularly want to go through the expense of bringing in city water. We only have about 14 houses back here. 3 of them had contaminated water and would have to build new wells. They started the drive for city water.
The cost for them to dig new wells would be $10 - $15,000. Bringing in city water and sewer was going to cost each one of us around $20,000 when all was said and done.
I voted against bringing it in. I was the ONLY one who voted against it. All the other neighbors who did not want to do this (ended up being 7 of the 14) did not want to go against the other neighbors.
As luck would have it, our house turned out the be the most difficult to run the water and sewer lines through. They have to dig a much deeper trench than they did for the others. Not only that but we have to pay to have the yard repaired when they are finished.
Add to that, the possible loss of my lilac tree and deck and you can pretty much figure out where my head is on this particular issue.
Hey at least you were given the chance to vote even though what difference did it make?
I have a drainage project that they are pushing on us. No matter how much we asked they did not have details. Later I found out why. Amoung other "pork" inserted was to exptend the road I live on another mile or so. Now this is a 4 or 5 lane road and it needs to go through heavy woods. It can't be cheap. How could this be a drainage project? I will be exercising my right to vote that jerk out of office.
Well being able to say the place has (or will have) city water and sewage should be a plus to at least some potential buyers.
At 5/25/2006 8:48 AM, MilkMaid
Ahahahaha only you Crabby, could have timing like THIS.
Holy shit.
They are putting in a huge subdivision right across the street from us. Those folks all got city water and we were scared they were going to force us on that, but they didnt'. We still have our well and septic. Altho everytime that fucking septic tank acts up, I kinda secretly wish we'd have been able to go on the city plan over yonder.
One good thing, we have a fire hydrant now, rigth across our driveway. Lowered our homeowners insurance.
Fingers crossed this is not too disruptive for you and for us, that they don't build ghetto houses in our new neighborhood.
I tell ya guys, sometimes this progress stuff absolutely bites the big one.
Barman, they're gonna tear through your woods? UGH! That would infuritate me. Like we can afford to lose more trees in this country.
Milky, every finger crossed for you. Plus, I dunno how you're gonna adapt to having a neighborhood after all these years of peaceful country living.
That's the thing we're gonna have to be careful of even moving. ya have no way of knowing when you move into open country how long the freakin developers can be held at bay.
I'm gonna get some pics of this pit they're diggin out here later. You guys are NOT gonna believe this one.
AY YI YI! My life is such a freak show.
Sal, Want me to dig up something for ya? Need anything moved?
Big bubba, you sweet talker you. Lemme just get myself all ready fer ya sugar. (crabby sniffs pits) Good 'nuf. Let's go!
Sign, this is not entirely a bad idea. If I laid down nekie in front of the machines, good chance those men would run like their tails were on fire....giving me complete freedom with big whoppin tools. I might have to do it!
LOL! You know darn well, not to bait me before coffee.
Yanno, the RnR hall of fame begged us to take them. What could we do? It would have been rude to turn them away.
Man! I am soooo tired. Waited for Bob till after midnight, then we talked for another hour. After two straight days of working in the sun, I'm whupped.
I think I'll borrow that ginormous Bob cat to clear my scrub in back. And possibly move the neighbors house. LOL!