Saturday, March 03, 2007
I missed yesterday's tributes. Not to fret. I didn't forget and I'll get them up soon. Things here are a little crazy right now. I'm getting to know Georgie's new parents and I have to tell you, I really love his new mom. My gosh, what a big heart she has. Not to mention she is a very creative writer. Her letters to me from George are something I look forward to every day. Frankly, I think I wanna move in with her too!

Sadly, I think Creepy Lola, a.k.a. dying. She doesn't seem to be in pain and that's a good thing. Old age has just taken it's toll. I don't think she has much longer. Things seem to be shutting down on the old girl. But as long as she is pain free, my choice is to allow her to die in her own bed. So I'll be keeping an eye on her.

Then of course we have Lucy who doesn't at all understand what's going on in her world all of a sudden. Circle of life isn't something Lucy has experience with yet.

While I'm sorting these and a few other things out here's a movie for you. LOL! (you didn't think you'd be lucky enough for me to totally disappear, did ya?

I love you all. I have read your comments and value them, dearly. You guys are a great comfort to me. It's a good thing to have friends who still care even when you're not so funny, you know?

Here's the movie. Pardon the over acting. George is a scene stealer. LOL!

When good dogs do bad things
posted by Crabby at 7:52 PM |


At 3/04/2007 9:52 AM, Blogger Unknown

LMFAOOOOOOO at the video :D
When I'm in trouble I tend to disappear behind a toilet too. Once I even tried to climb inside one but my leg got stuck in the U-Bend and I lost a shoe. I know how George is feeling. Sympathiseeeeeeee *thumps side of fist on heart*
Have you ever thought about getting into amateur dramatics??


At 3/04/2007 2:00 PM, Blogger G-Man

Dog pee on hardwood floors are very much cause for screaming. I don't think you overacted at all!
How cool is it that you found a loving home for George? I'm calling everyone by their real names today, ( except Manny of course )so Pam?
Do you have an agent yet?
Holy crap you are smokin hot, and you are more than cute when you are angry. I think you would be the perfect choice for...The Tim Horton's Girl! Have a great day..Galen


At 3/04/2007 8:33 PM, Blogger SignGurl

First I cried, then I laughed and finally, I snorted! Bravo!!!

{{{{Hugs to my buddy}}}}


At 3/04/2007 11:41 PM, Blogger barman

Very cute. I think possibly the first thing I saw you do on your blog was a film that I believe was a news cast. It had two people in it. Darn I forget the first one but the second one was Jungle Jane. I fell in love with your creativity right then and there. I see you have not lost your touch. I love this and you.

Hope things settle down.


At 3/05/2007 7:04 AM, Blogger Cazzie!!!

You are gorgeous :)
If you feel like a laugh, come read the first paragraph of my blog entry for today. You don;t have to read the whole post, just thought it'd pepp you up :)


At 3/05/2007 8:10 AM, Blogger Crabby

Gareth, I bet you spend a lot of time behind the toilet. :0)
I was thinking know...oscar winning type role. Only nobody will give me a job. No idea why.

G.... Our bedroom and sitting room floors are soft pine and the damage he's done in there is big enough that I have to refinish the floors. UGH!
Never thought I'd see me and smokin hot in the same sentence. ahhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha! Thanks for that weather you meant it or not. :)

Sign, That face of his gets to you, huh? LOL! Little booger had me wrapped for sure. I have tons of these goofy movies. It's a hobby. I did a movie about keeping your love life steamy too. LOL!
(hugs back to you, my sweet girl) I'm hoping to get things pulled together real soon.

Barman, I have so many of these movies. LOL! It's my thing. I'll film anythiing. I even did a cooking show and you KNOW I can't cook. Darned if I didn't cut off one of my fingernails while demonstrating how to cut celery and remove the hair. THEN I COULDN'T FIND IT! It's all on film.
I'm working hard to get things all pulled together here. And I'm doing pretty well at it. I do believe Lola won't be with us much longer. She's in pretty bad shape but I'm making her as comfy as possible.

Cazzie, are you lookin at me or george. LOL! I can't see me as gorgeous in any sense of the word. But I am lovin you and G for saying so. It's so damn cool I can hardly stand it. I'll be over. I can use a pick me up before I start this particular day. I have to make a tough decision today. Not looking forward to it but...that's life. Ya gotta just "GET HER DONE".


At 3/05/2007 8:20 AM, Blogger Crabby

Cazzie, your verification thingy isn't working. It wants me to copy what I see but nothings there! I swear it's not my eyes this time.


At 3/05/2007 10:09 AM, Blogger barman

Crabby I have been seeing this a bunch on different peoples bloggs. Typiclally I copy the comment I want to make and close the comments window. Then I open againa and past the comments. Sonner or later it works. Not fun especially this one blog, I never get the word verification right on the first try, ever.


At 3/05/2007 10:12 AM, Blogger CozyMama

hang in there.