Thursday, September 28, 2006
It is my pleasure to introduce you guys to Granny Mae and the residents at Willowbrooke Nursing Home. Reading the adventures of Granny and the gang is the best time I’ve had in ages. If you need a good belly laugh, this is, hands down, the place to find it.

Granny, adventurer and ho in training.

blind at a bat
with droopy
If you find
her guide dog,
Dubbin, please
return him.

Granny's nemisis

Granny Mae’s views on newbies to the home are as follows.

1. If you would care to move an oldie of your own into one of the empty rooms at Willowbrooke, you will be greeted with open arms. The more the better.
2. If you wish to visit the folks at the home, as yourself, also cool.
3. If lurking is your thing. Do so knowing that you are 100% welcome to be there reading any time you please.

(via Granny. Translated into crabspeak.)

1. No monitoring of any kind. No site meter. No blog roll.
2. Don’t ask. Don’t tell.
Willowbrooke is a what you see is what you got kind of place. Identities are protected for reasons of FUN!

Now without further ado or adon't ........I proudly present to you GRANNY GOT GAME
psssssst. Come back and let me know what you think of it.
posted by Crabby at 7:17 AM |


At 9/28/2006 9:16 AM, Blogger Crabby

It's probably Iris. She has that effect on men.


At 9/28/2006 11:17 AM, Blogger MilkMaid

You hang out with some strange riff raff Crabby.

Current company excluded of course.


At 9/28/2006 12:02 PM, Blogger Crabby

I try to hang out with as much riff raff as I can. They always seem to have so danged much fun!


At 9/28/2006 12:17 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

HAHA...yeah, this is why I've followed you around the net for what now...nine freaking years. LMAO!


At 9/28/2006 1:10 PM, Blogger Suze

I'm booking myself a place there. It sounds liek the fun kind of place I could spend my final days. :)


At 9/28/2006 1:40 PM, Blogger Crabby

Suze, if you're sigining up, I have a feeling that place is gonna start hoppin. LOL!


At 9/28/2006 1:41 PM, Blogger Crabby

Milky, 9 years of gettin into trouble and we are still standing! WOOT! Ya gotta love it.


At 9/28/2006 3:18 PM, Blogger Zen Wizard


Eww. Eww. Ewww.

And while I'm on the subject: Eww!!


At 9/28/2006 3:56 PM, Blogger Crabby

Zen has the hots for Ethel. Pass it on. LMAO!


At 9/28/2006 3:57 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Aaaa haaaa haaaa haaaaa! That's the coolest blog ever!!!

` Hey, did someone say 'riff raff?' I know Riff Raff!


At 9/29/2006 2:10 AM, Blogger Manny

Granny got game. LMAO I found it by accident and hope it'll be around for a while.


At 9/29/2006 2:27 AM, Blogger Mone

Is there an age requirement to get into that place?? Just wonder ;)


At 9/29/2006 2:28 AM, Blogger Mone

PS: Like your new make over Crabby, it looks pretty cool!!


At 9/29/2006 5:37 AM, Blogger Rainypete

In a past life I used to clean carpet and a nursing home or two found it's way into the account list. Those places are delightfully dememnted. Many an hour of fun can be had there.


At 9/29/2006 12:41 PM, Blogger jillie

OMG...that was too funny! Brings back memories of my granny and her chums....thanks for the great laugh.


At 9/29/2006 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

holy shit, that's demented. of course I love it!


At 9/29/2006 4:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

I think it's wretched!


At 9/29/2006 5:21 PM, Blogger Roxi

Highly entertaining!


At 9/29/2006 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

` I had sex with Riff Raff! Does anyone care?


At 9/29/2006 9:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

` Sorry. Trying to get attention. I'm sick right now.


At 9/30/2006 8:58 PM, Blogger GAB

OMG thats was funny. I love that page. When I worked in a nursing home I sorta did kill someone! well it wasnt my fault but everyone teased me and said it was. There was this little ole lady that I had to get up. They all told me she would fight me and fight me she did. But I persested and got her up. I got her in her wheelchair and out into the hall. I walked away and got a wash cloth came back and she ws dead! Scared the sh*t outta me let me tell you. So this gave me the best laugh. Hope they keep up the blog!