For all you folks who have asked....where does all that red hair come from?
This, right here, is how the magic happens. hot am I, huh? Yeah, that's right....print out and put it under your pillows guys. You KNOW you want it.
PS. I may regret this when my medication wears off.
Manny, I double dog dare ya to post a pic of you in your full hair color gear.
Stand back people...we're fixin to have the first ever dueling uglies contest.
Sign, LOL! Sadly, my meds are available at any drug store. I took 2 ibuprophen, 2 excedrin migraine, a sinus pill, and 2 blood presssure meds. I had Migraine pills but when I found out what those suckers cost I refused to buy more. 348 bucks! for....are you sitting? 48 tablets. Nuh ugh. i don't hardly think so.
Deb, jealous much?
Dirk, you woulda love me yesterday. Takes nuthin to zone me out anyhow.
Barman, stop flirtin with yer sister!
G...that's right, baby. That's how I roll.
Sign, sigh. Ok my excedrin. LOL!
Mone, why THANK YOU! I figure if the world sees me at my ugliest, on the days when I comb my hair....why...they'll at the very least.... be grateful.
Boo hiss. Work every now and then blocks contents that it should not block. It is blocking you. Wait, maybe that is just how totally HOT this picture is. I guess I will just have to wait for home to see (and print) my picture. :)