Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Is there life after death? Guess who has the answer for you. Yep. That's right. Me. After an extensive scientific study I have concluded without question there is, in fact, life after death.
And I'll tell ya how I know. Cuz mean people live longer than nice folks.
Here's how it works. A particularly nasty person's time has come. Who takes her? The Lord God? Or Satan? Well, guess what? Neither one wants her. So they bicker over it for years and years until somebody finally gives in.
Think about it people. Do you have a relative that's meaner than jackel poop? Would YOU want to spend eternity with them? No. I rest my case.
PS. Occasionally nice folks get in on the fall out from the nasties when the powers that be are so busy dickering that they forget to check a nice old person outa this world. See? It all fits like a puzzle.
posted by Crabby at 7:42 AM |


At 3/21/2007 8:25 AM, Blogger MilkMaid were Jack Handy in a previous life?


At 3/21/2007 10:12 AM, Blogger Crabby

Jodes, I also know which came first the chicken or the egg...and I have proof there too!

Milky, please. I taught Jack Handy everything he knows. And do you think that ingrate ever sent me any kinda royalties or anything? noooooo. That's why I'm poor today.


At 3/21/2007 10:59 AM, Blogger granny got game

I hope you are wrong, dear. Otherwise, Ethel may live forever. Perhaps I should try my hand at whoring again. I simply must get out of that nursing home!


At 3/21/2007 11:06 AM, Blogger Crabby

Not to fret, Granny. Iris will no doubt do Ethel in with her own rosary soon.


At 3/21/2007 12:03 PM, Blogger Crabby

This comment has been removed by the author.


At 3/21/2007 12:10 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Ha ha ha haaaa! Crabby! You're so logical about these things!
` And Granny Mae, Ethel can't live for that long; people are slowly trying to kill her at Willowbrooke!


At 3/21/2007 12:13 PM, Blogger Crabby

Higher, your mom called. She said stop screwing around and pick up some mint sauce. You're having lamb for dinner.


At 3/21/2007 12:15 PM, Blogger Crabby

Seequin, it was an epiphany.


At 3/21/2007 2:02 PM, Blogger Zen Wizard

Seriously, I wonder why good people die young.

Then, on the flip side, you have Dick Clark, Strom Thurmond, George Plimpton, etc.


At 3/21/2007 4:08 PM, Blogger G-Man

You are right Crabby.
I should have been dead years ago...

Jack Handy? hahahahahaha

You would not believe all of the afterlife related posts we've got posted in blogland today!

revolving avatar Wednesday?


At 3/21/2007 4:27 PM, Blogger Crabby

Zen, you mean...Dick Clark isn't young? ahhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha!

G....I like to switch things up for ya with the avs. LOL!


At 3/21/2007 4:51 PM, Blogger Manny

But what if the mean nasty one make's really really good gravy?


At 3/21/2007 4:51 PM, Blogger Manny

With chunks of giblet's and stuff?


At 3/21/2007 6:52 PM, Blogger barman

So if I am following you then ... Red is Green. Ah, now it is all so clear.

You know, it does make sense. I am worried about me now. I guess that makes me mean heading rapidly to nasty.


At 3/21/2007 9:31 PM, Blogger Bare

I have proof, that cows are the coolest animals ever...


At 3/21/2007 11:13 PM, Blogger Cazzie!!!

I watched Medium last night, and , yes, there was life after death in that show there!!!
I have had many a patient die in my years of nursing, I have also had many a patient saved via my efforts of CPR and DEFIB. Afterwards, I have had many reports of seeing the light, and a few of, "Yours was the last voice I heard nurse, I heard you!!" True, I never believed it at first, but they recounted what I said word for word so it HAD to be true. Hearing is the last sence to go however.


At 3/21/2007 11:58 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Yes, hearing is indeed the last sense to go... Brewmaster Tom Burkhardt - who I know personally - once went into anaphylactic shock from eating peanuts as a boy. (A very straightforward way of learning you have an allergy.)
` The last thing he heard before he lost consciousness was one of the emergency crew saying 'He has no blood pressure at all!' The next thing he knew he was in the hospital. Somehow, they brought him back from the brink! Crazy, huh?


At 3/22/2007 2:39 AM, Blogger Mone

Always the very best die young...

Now you've got me back in my depression Crabby. My diet doesnt work, there is NO TIME for excersice and you reminding me of all the good ones who left already.




At 3/22/2007 5:24 AM, Blogger Crabby

Manny, I'm guessin the good news is, the nasty ones will be around for a loooong time makin that gravy. LOL!

Barman, it's not so bad to be a bitch man. Although, I did meet one once that I was ready to take outa this world with my own bare hands. He cussed at me and called me lazy because I didn't walk my cart back to the front of the store. It was 8 FRIGGIN degrees outside. Miserable old bustard!

Miss, really??? Cuz I think so too. I just can't prove it.

Cazzie, in all seriousnes, I truly believe there is life after this. Has to be. Long story why though. So I'll spare you. LOL!

Seequin, I whispered in my Mother's ear when she was dying. I like to believe she heard what I said.

Mone, I know just the thing! Just get meaner than jackal poop. It works for all those other old folks that run into your heals with their nasty little electric carts in the market then mumble at you for being in their way. LOL! You'll live forever. I'm TELLING you.


At 3/22/2007 6:16 AM, Blogger SignGurl

So, to paraphrase, G-Man is going to live forever, right?


At 3/22/2007 8:43 AM, Blogger Shanshu

Your logic does not resemble our earth logic...although, maybe it does. In a way, it makes sense.


I can't WAIT to see all those people I hate AGAIN after all this shit is over with.



At 3/22/2007 11:52 AM, Blogger Crabby

Sign, maybe longer.

Shanshu, you just hit upon the only downside. Eternity with all the other assholes. Talk about hell. Grocery shopping's gonna be a bitch.