Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Dear Furniture Assembly People,

my back hates you. My neck hates you. And I hate you too. You are evil toad people sent from the firey depths of hell to torment innocent humans. I will find you! And just as soon as I walk again normally, I will kick your sorry arses all the way back to limbo.

Hate you! Hate you! Hate you!

The crab.
posted by Crabby at 11:26 AM |


At 4/11/2007 2:51 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

Do you write hate mail often?


At 4/11/2007 2:56 PM, Blogger Crabby

Um....yeah...pretty much. Ugh huh. LOL!


At 4/11/2007 2:56 PM, Blogger Crabby

I'm about to write another one to these bustards. I can't get the file snappers on.


At 4/11/2007 2:57 PM, Blogger Crabby

PS. You did a great job on this. I sooooo owe you. Want me to do yours?


At 4/11/2007 3:13 PM, Blogger MilkMaid


But thanks.



At 4/11/2007 3:13 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

I'm kinda kicking around stealing your pole cow for my avatar when you are done with it.


At 4/11/2007 3:23 PM, Blogger Monkey

Get into a hot bath and I'll bring over the Banana Daquiris.

Demons from hell indeed.


At 4/11/2007 4:03 PM, Blogger SignGurl

Nice template ladies! Me likey!

You don't want to know what I said when Mr. Sign dropped the 250 pound Sauder desk on my foot and left it there. I said nothing because I couldn't get words out. It took me beating on his arm for him to notice my purple foot. By the grace of God, nothing was broken. Good times, I tell ya.


At 4/11/2007 4:06 PM, Blogger SignGurl

Bwhahahaha!!! I just clicked on the pictures andd died at the titles! You do look kinda evil.


At 4/11/2007 4:14 PM, Blogger SIMON

Hey crabby I take it your not very happy with someone then???!!!!


At 4/11/2007 5:11 PM, Blogger Cazzie!!!

Take a nice long bath with some lavendar oil in it, that will surely help you :)


At 4/11/2007 5:51 PM, Blogger GAB

Hope your feeling better soon.


At 4/11/2007 5:57 PM, Blogger Crabby

Milky, I'm just gonna tweak things up a little for ya. Not to fret. I know just what I'm doing.
And you are welcome to use my pole dancing cow any time you want. After're co-owner here at the field anyhow, right?

Monkey, oh YES! Please do.

Sign, no he didn't???? LOL! Oh man. I'm sorry to laugh but I have this image of you trying to talk and not getting any words out. It's a miracle nothing broke.
Yeah, I felt like that title was workin' right about then. LOL!

ebezp, Oh honey! If you could watch me trying to walk, you'd die laughing. I'm pathetic! And two of my fingers keep going numb. LOL!

Cazzie, that's a very good plan! I have some lavendar too. I might just do that, kiddo.

Gab, me too, baby. Me too!


At 4/11/2007 6:01 PM, Blogger Crabby

I am headed for the sofa and my heat packs. I come visit all you guys tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be better by then. If not, I'm gonna track down the instruction assembly people like a rabid dingo.


At 4/11/2007 8:33 PM, Blogger Steph

I hate them too. On your behalf of course. Want me to come over and help you wound them?


At 4/11/2007 9:06 PM, Blogger Mouthy Girl


That particular color of bluejust doesn't become you. Could you request a new one or perhaps throw on a scarf?

*hard hugs* I adore you, Crabbers!


At 4/11/2007 11:19 PM, Blogger BTExpress

Sorry it took it's toll on you, but ya know, women just aren't cut out for this sort of thing. So next time leave it for a man do.

LMAO!!!! Got you there, didn't I?


At 4/12/2007 12:24 AM, Blogger wmy

I got your back...lets kick some ass...after your back stops


At 4/12/2007 1:08 PM, Blogger Crabby

Denny, Hi ya, babe! How are you feeling?

Steph, yes please! LOL!

Buddah, you'll be pleased to know the hot packs are off the neck and back. (both blue like the bruises on my legs) Man, 5 days of pure assembly hell. Hugs back!

BT! If you coulda' heard the words coming out of my mouth before I scrolled down. LMAO! I'm so gonna get you for this one.

WMY, it's better now. I'm ready to go get I'm too tired. LOL!
Sayyyy, maybe we could get a job doing writing assembly instructions. Pretty sure the only skills required is the ability to swig massive quantities of brew.