Monday, March 26, 2007

The toilet seat protector. Protector? PAH! It sure as hell didn't do much to protect me Saturday. Nor did it's evil buddy the infamous automatic flusher! HATE EM. HATE EM. HATE EM.

Early in the morning after 2 cups of coffee and 3 glasses of water, I went to the mall. Before I even got through the door I had to go....RIGHT NOW!

So racing in and outa various racks of hanging clothes, several old folks walking in reverse or stop, I find the closest public restroom.

Like a good girl who wishes not carry home mini-pets in my britches, I faithfully wipe down the toilet seat, pull out the "so called" protective cover, and proceed to try and place it correctly on the seat. This requires an uncanny sense of balance because the seat cover has this inner paper that once it's torn free tends to pull the remaining cover right into the toilet.

I get the cover on (which hardly covers the front of the seat) get my tight-assed jeans down, begin to squat and.....the FRIGGIN TOILET FLUSHES and sucks the seat cover right down into the pits of toilet hell.

So pants down around my ankles, with much care, I line the damn thing again, trying to be quicker. Again the flusher sees my shadow pass as I try to squat and steals the seat cover!

Finally I just threw the hateful thing on there barely tearing away the center cover, flip my fat ass around and thrust myself onto the now my bladder is begging ....nay screaming, for mercy. So I let her spray and DAMNED if the urine didn't spray staight into the partially hanging middle and right back at me! By the time it was done I had people laughing hysterically and handing me wet paper towels to clean myself up with! (I am not making this up)

Seat protectors my ass!
posted by Crabby at 5:06 AM |


At 3/26/2007 5:37 AM, Blogger barman

See, I knew it. The auto flush is proof that you DO NO have a DQ butt. If you did it would not mistake you as having left and decide to flush.

Maybe you could use some sanitary wipes instead to clean the seat with to keep the critters away.

Hum, g-man has a post up about fears. I think you have a fear of auto flush toilets.


At 3/26/2007 7:14 AM, Blogger Manny

LMAO. There is a secret to them auto flushes.

Having a fear of being video taped while in a public bathroom, I simply hang TP over the censor before placing my protective cover, which by the way is a false sense of security. I just know someone has a tiny camera hidden in that censor.

Also, I never go in a stall with vents over top of it. Vents are just another hiding place for hiiden cameras.

Why didn't I think of this fear when I was commenting on g's post?


At 3/26/2007 7:47 AM, Blogger Mone

you took a urine shower? that is gross Crabby!


At 3/26/2007 10:01 AM, Blogger Unknown

Are you sure that it wasn't someone from the next cubicle trying to steal it because they had none of their own?! Did you not notice the hand appearing from no where and try to yank it off the seat. Those bathroom attendants will do anything for a tip!


At 3/26/2007 10:19 AM, Blogger GAB

ROFLMAO and I thought I was the only one who did things like this. I have given up on public bathrooms. Unless I really cant wait then I will try to use one. But oh my gosh I hate when I go in there and guess what? No seat protectors! Then I line the seat with toliet paper! it works better any ways because they all use the cheap stuff.


At 3/26/2007 12:07 PM, Blogger Crabby

Hi guys!
I'm baaaaack!
For all you folks worried I had a brain tumor or an aneurism, (personally I think it was just Bob and his mom who were both worried sick)....
where was I?
Oh yeah, I don't. I've been gone allll day. I'm all checked out and the doc says we're gonna keep at it till we get the headaches gone. So good for me.


At 3/26/2007 12:13 PM, Blogger Crabby

barman, give my enormous butt cheeks too much credit. It was the over-whelming shadow moving past the flush sensor that set off the flusher. LOL! Gotta visit G. I'm still catching up here from being gone all blasted day.

Manny, LOL! Nobody's watching. Ok...I admit to you all I do have a pic of manny in a bathroom stall. I stuck my camera under the wall and snapped. But all I got was the stall cus I didn't have it aimed right. Next time I'll do an over head shot.

Mone, All I can say's too damn bad I'm not a ho cuz I hear they make big bucks for that. LOL!

Gareth, (I can't believe I'm gonna say this) but.... you actually have a good point there. However, I watched evil damn thing snatch it with my very own eyes.

Gab, just between you and I...I have been in a public men's restroom and of course in the ladies. And believe it or not...the men are 10 times cleaner! Not cool, ladies. Not cool at all!

crabby.....wait...that's me. Ok. Never mind.


At 3/26/2007 12:33 PM, Blogger Zen Wizard

Well--the toilet seat protector--commonly known as the "ass gasket"--is an underrated item, in my humble opinion.

In fact, there is a theory as to why everyone on a cruise ship gets sick all the time, and it might have something to do with communal toilets.

On the other hand the experts say a water fountain has more strains of bacteria than a toilet seat.

Which might be a reason that Fido never calls in sick for guarding the backyard.


At 3/26/2007 12:33 PM, Blogger Manny

They are so watching! I know, I seen the Maury Povich show.


At 3/26/2007 12:37 PM, Blogger Unknown

"However, I watched evil damn thing snatch it with my very own eyes." ....... whaaaaaaaa, did it take your eyes out too?!?! Good grief is not sacred around here. First your bum gets pinched and then your eyes are whipped out of their sockets. What next?! Butt flushed down the toilet? Leg stuck in the u-bend? I fear for your well being in public toilets now :(

Take care with the headaches thing. K? :)


At 3/26/2007 2:10 PM, Blogger Crabby

Zen, "ass-gasket"? ahhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Manny, Maybe you could disguise your ass?

Gareth? Is that you? Come closer. Lemme feel your pointy head so I can be sure.
No worries on the headaches. I'm indistructable, much to my family's dismay.


At 3/26/2007 4:10 PM, Blogger Me Crabby

This comment has been removed by the author.


At 3/26/2007 4:18 PM, Blogger Me Crabby

This comment has been removed by the author.


At 3/26/2007 5:43 PM, Blogger Unknown

Ummm that's not my head!! :D


At 3/26/2007 6:10 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

OMG I HATE using the john after you hoover-asses. DISGUSTING.


At 3/26/2007 6:26 PM, Blogger DirkStar

Funny, it kept the butter off my shirt when I was eating lobster the other night...

Uh, I think there may be something wrong with my eyes...

Could you maybe come have a look?


At 3/26/2007 9:26 PM, Blogger BTExpress

They way you describe it is so sexy. Makes me wish I was there to hand you the paper towels. Hell, I'd have even offered to help you wipe.

Wait, that was probably more than you wanted to hear, wasn't it? Sorry, but that's what you get for letting me read your blog. ;-)


At 3/27/2007 2:39 AM, Blogger Cazzie!!!

That is baaaaadddd!!!

At the air show this past weekend, we were all busting to go to ther loo after being in line to get a park for a while. We got to the loo, no PAPER. Mia has a cold, so I had tissues with me, thank the Gummy Mary for that!!! I used the tissues as loo paper, and to wipe down the seat, grrrrrr!!!


At 3/27/2007 6:06 AM, Blogger wmy

Well, thanks...I just proceeded to piss myself from laughing...the mental pic you painted here is priceless...


At 3/27/2007 6:14 AM, Blogger Crabby

Gareth, well, if it's not your head....what is it? Show milkmaid and she can tell me.

Milky, sing it sistah! And..yanno what's worse .... well, besides the thing we probably don't wanna talk about here.....the ones who save up a months worth of KaKa and then BLAMO...gotta release, and release so much, it WON'T FRIGGIN FLUSH!
HULLO! COURTESY FLUSH! Ever heard of it?

Dirk, oh sure. I'll come have a look. Even tho I know it's gotta be a diabolical trap. I can't help myself. It's like pushin the don't push button.

BT, naw. That's ok. I have that effect on men. I'm like man catnip. They can't resist me. I think it has something to do with my snaggle tooth.

Cazzie, PHEWWW! Dodged a bullet there. LOL!
Um....the Gummy Mary? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha! I know that's Aussie speak for somethin but...I got no idea what.


At 3/27/2007 6:17 AM, Blogger Crabby

Wmy, it was truly pathetic. I was swearin like a drunk red-neck, mullet coifed, mud wrestler.


At 3/27/2007 7:45 AM, Blogger barman

No amount of 'splaining here is going to convince me that you have a badongadong butt.

Maybe they just need to be putting in the squaty toilets everywhere like they have in Japan I believe. Problem solved.


At 3/27/2007 9:09 AM, Blogger SignGurl

Never use seat covers if your ass is sweating. No further explaination needed.


At 3/27/2007 9:15 AM, Blogger Shanshu

I don't trust those paper toilet seat covers...they are too flimsy to protect me from the plethora of toilet-seat viruses and bacteria that is hanging out.

That's why I don't use public rest-rooms unless it's an emergency. And even then, I use anti-bacterial wipes and excessive TP to ensure limited exposure.


At 3/27/2007 9:54 AM, Blogger Me Crabby

I've made a very informative documentary of Crabcake. It's posted on my blog.


At 3/27/2007 10:40 AM, Blogger DirkStar

I was just invited to watch a terrible video of you engaged in unspeakable activities.

I was shocked and appalled by the images splashed so luridly across my monitor's screen.

I left a very stern comment regarding the smearing of your wholesome image and any comment appearing upon his site claiming otherwise has clearly been forged.


At 3/27/2007 11:43 AM, Blogger Crabby

Dear Tad,

so, it is to be war between us then?

You are goin down, kid.


At 3/27/2007 12:03 PM, Blogger Me Crabby

You've been owned. Better go pick a mountain you can actually scale.

Lard Ass.


At 3/27/2007 1:05 PM, Blogger Pat & Reg

Yep. Those autoflushers suck. Especially when you're hung over, pucking in a public bathroom and everytime you life your head up to catch your breath, "Whamo," another flush. The one cool thing is that every time you stick your head back into the bowl, it's clean.


At 3/27/2007 2:04 PM, Blogger Crabby

Barman, as you can clearly see, thanks to Tad, I'd have no problem blocking out the sun. LOL!

Sign, I walked out of the bathroom and down the mall with toilet tissue stuck in my shoe once. I unrolled dang near the entire roll before somebody told me.

Dirk, you BENEDICT ARNOLD! ahhh, how quickly they turn. LOL!

Tad, oh no. We're just getting started, son o'mine. Your turn is coming. Not to fret.

Reg, LMAO! that would be BAD!


At 3/27/2007 3:15 PM, Blogger DirkStar

Quick everyone!

Todd and crustycakes are having a flame war!

Oops,that's crabcakes...

Never doggiedonuts...

He he...


I'll bet this is gonna be good.


At 3/27/2007 3:22 PM, Blogger DirkStar

I just want you to know I'm completely on your side here.

He's got it coming...

Toast him, girl!


At 3/27/2007 3:27 PM, Blogger HunnyHive

Tad, how could you? That was mean. (wink wink)

Come home soon, baby. I have a surprise for you. I dusted your doll collection! All by myself.


At 3/27/2007 5:09 PM, Blogger Mildred Moosh

Oh my! You're unmentionables are showing dear.


At 3/27/2007 7:47 PM, Blogger G-Man

Yes Obviously the apple don't fall far from that tree..
That was a great video!!
Good job Crabby with the fecal gathering..,xoxox


At 3/27/2007 8:59 PM, Blogger josh williams

Bathroom humor is funny!


At 3/27/2007 10:29 PM, Blogger barman

Somehow I have to guess paybacks will not be fun at all.


At 3/28/2007 12:16 AM, Blogger DirkStar

By the way, is this a Pay Per Post?


At 3/28/2007 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

You just know this is going to appear on the internet as some hidden camera thing. I'm sorry but i almost peed myself laughing over this. if it's any consolation this was the first and only laugh I've had all day so thank you. :)


At 3/28/2007 5:40 AM, Blogger Crabby

He is goin DOWN! Let the games begin.


At 3/28/2007 5:43 AM, Blogger Crabby

PS. Merideth, no worries, kid. Any time somebody laughs it's a good thing.

Dirk, when I finish with him, he won't be able to get back up for another battle.

Goofy, goofy, son. You don't mess with mama. tsk tsk.


At 3/28/2007 7:01 AM, Blogger DirkStar

Uh, need I point out he called you a lard ass?

I myself believe your buttocks to be more of a delightfully crafted butter sculpture.

Not that I ever look at your luscious globes in a non professional manner.

Uh, I'm ouuta here before I get into trouble...


At 3/28/2007 7:54 AM, Blogger Me Crabby

Me don't like toilets.


At 3/28/2007 9:06 AM, Blogger Crabby



At 3/28/2007 9:22 AM, Blogger Me Crabby

me like dodgeball.