Thursday, October 25, 2007
Why do we worry so much about weight in this country? What's wrong with a woman who has a little meat on her bones, huh? I mean, obviously women who weigh more have bigger chesticles. That oughta count for something.

Seriously, unless a gal (or guy) needs to knock off a few to get healthier, I don't get these salad lunches people are having. And I gotta tell ya...when we go out to dinner with a couple and the wife is skinny....she almost always will eventually ask one of us a question like, "Do you know how many calories are in that?" Personally in those moments, I have to fight the urge to knock the skinny priss off her chair. I don't know. I don't wanna know. I just wanna eat the damned thing. If I don't eat, I'm gonna end up lookin like this in my old age. No thanks!
And don't think I don't have my run ins with the scale...when I get on it....which I try not to.
Check it..........
Do I care? Obviously not.
And OO's a good one. I know all you ladies hate this stuff.
Do I care....nnnnooooooooo. Not particularly.
And as far as men go. I like a man with a little belly on him. I don't see a problem with it. Means he eats normal stuff and probably enjoys his chips during a football game. Who wants a man that's prettier than she is anyhow?

People...set yourself free. Eat a good meal! Enjoy your life. The weight comes and goes. It's normal. Trust me, it's more important to enjoy yourself and focus on the other guy and how much fun, he or she, isn' which case, get desert too.

This has been a public service announcement from the folks at, Yummy Crab Vittles, inc.
You're welcome.

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posted by Crabby at 2:44 PM |


At 10/25/2007 3:27 PM, Blogger SIMON

I don't see weight as a problem at all, I thought there were so many other factors that were important but I appear to be wrong, there is a huge relince on working out going to the gym and generally trying to be something that you were never supposed to be.


At 10/25/2007 3:35 PM, Blogger barman

Oh Crabcake, you're my hero!

Does this mean Ice Caps are back on? Two Tim Horton's open tomorrow in my neck of the woods... woo hoo!!!


At 10/25/2007 3:38 PM, Blogger Manny



At 10/25/2007 3:58 PM, Blogger Crabby

ebezp, I KNOW! It's crazy. I used to go to a gym and you'd see the people there doing more and more. It's like no matter how good they looked, they had to look better. Seems like a waste of valuable play time to me. Be healthy. Enjoy each day. That's it. That's all that matters.

Barman, ABSOLUTELY! You gotta have a grand opening ice cap. Take G with you. He's worse than me on Hortons. LOL!

Manny, now come on. I know you've seen my thighs before. LOL!


At 10/25/2007 5:16 PM, Blogger Zen Wizard

Well, speaking strictly from a male perspective on this issue, I like to see the Little Wizard every once in a while without the aid of a mirror on the floor, so watching those carbs helps in that respect.

I know--I don't expect to pick up a Nobel Prize for that revelation, but it's important to ME, dammit!

When you get over fifty you really have to either be a Calorie Nazi or get lipo'ed, or there's gonna be a problem.


At 10/25/2007 5:41 PM, Blogger SignGurl

Crabby, you are amazing!!

This post couldn't have come at a better time. I've been pondering my own arm hangage and I'm ok with it.

I hate to admit, but I've become a calorie nazi. I can't help it. I don't ever want to go back from where I came from.


At 10/25/2007 6:00 PM, Blogger barman

The G-Man is nothing. I heard of a lady today that had $400 to $600 a month Starbucks habit. She also had $50,000 in credit card debt and her poor kids did not have insurance. See way worse that the G-ster. If you ask me people should be saying poor kids for having a Mom like that.


At 10/25/2007 6:22 PM, Blogger Crabby

Zen, yeah but it's one thing to eat healthy at home. Another thing to be so careful when you go out with friends that you start counting their calories too. Healthy weight is good. Excessive is bad. but being excessive in the other direction...just as unhealthy. Do you agree?

Sign, you're remarkable. I think you're doing a super job and I wouldn't ever expect you to veer from course. Not after all you've been through. Secret: I check calories too for my every day stuff that I bring home. It's just when I go out that I cut loose.

Barman, seriously??? I bet her eyes spin around in her head 24/7. LOL!


At 10/25/2007 6:29 PM, Blogger lime

preach it sistah!! i raise my hot fudge sundae to you!


At 10/25/2007 6:51 PM, Blogger Manny

I had to come back to see the fat skeleton again. That it too creepy.


At 10/25/2007 6:52 PM, Blogger Manny

Oh, and I posted what G Man said to me.


At 10/25/2007 7:13 PM, Blogger Unknown

I was in the drug store this evening and passed by the diet supplements. What drew me to the display was the posted prices: there was nothing being sold under $19.95, most were in the $30.00 to $50.00 range, and one (can’t remember its catchy name) was $119.95. I assume these all represented the cost of one month’s supply.

Losing weight certainly makes money for someone!

As for me, I think I shall just remain obese: my belly gives Alex my cat something to sleep on.


At 10/25/2007 7:24 PM, Blogger tsduff

Now I know why I love to come over here! ahh - I've come home. Lovely lovely - and by the way, can I borrow you for my halloween costume? It fits perfectly.

Who is Tom Horton and when is he moving west?


At 10/25/2007 7:56 PM, Blogger BTExpress

I have a belly. No wonder you check out my blog for nekkid pictures each Thursday. Thanks for lusting. :-)

I see in your Labels that you mention Big Boobs. Where are they? You know how I am.


At 10/25/2007 8:05 PM, Blogger G-Man

You like a man with a belly eh?

Whens the opening?
I'll buy the first round!

Very HOT pics!!
25 year olds should be as HOT!!
Hotter than a large regular/double cream..
1.55 at the window please!..xoxoxox
No wait...I now get a senior discount..1.39..
Yeah Baby!!!!


At 10/25/2007 8:49 PM, Blogger barman

TSDuff, Tim Horton was a hockey player and now I think it is just a whole bunch of coffee houses and more. Maybe we can dig up the Hockey Player somewhere and send him your way.

G-Man, Grand opening is tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM and it continues through November 3.


At 10/25/2007 10:13 PM, Blogger Cazzie!!!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Marshmallow :)


At 10/25/2007 10:37 PM, Blogger Bare

I'd just like to say, preach on sister! I agree with ya! *hugs*

This Support Coming From:

The Moo Queen :0)


At 10/26/2007 7:20 AM, Blogger Curly Glamour Girlie

I hate those wackos at the gym. The ones that stay for the second class, when they just sweat their butts off in the class before. I say everything in moderation. Unless you're pregnant. Then it's everything that's not nailed down!


At 10/26/2007 8:53 AM, Blogger Manny

Blogger is being pissy to me.
Yahoo is being pissy to me.
IN is being pissy to me.

And I received the most disturbing phone call from G last night. I posted it. LOL


At 10/26/2007 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

LMAO you make me laugh so hard. I love your humor.
Thanks for blogging.


At 10/26/2007 10:07 AM, Blogger Silver

can I please have 2 eggs over easy, home fries and a side of scrapple?

Oh yeah, with a glass of OJ and WHOLE milk


At 10/26/2007 12:46 PM, Blogger Crabby

Jahooni, I didn't see you up there! HI, kiddo!

Lime, can I have a bite?

Manny, I know. Isn't it great?

Nick, $119??? That is insane! People will pay anything to be thin and unwrinkled. Seems like a lot of stress over natural life processes.

TS, there ya go again...usin' me like a ho. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha! Yeah can borrow me. Bob will be glad to get rid of me for awhile. I'm cleaning him to death. (allergic to's gotta go. I'm on a mission.)

BT, they're right here under my chin....and partly in the next room. LOL!

G...1.55??? really? I pay 1.59! And yes sir I do like a man with a little bit of a belly. They're normal guys. I like normal manly men.

Cazzie, that's what I said. mmmmm.

Miss, why thank you, kiddo!

Curly, that's how I was when I was preggers. If I could get it in my mouth and it didn't became a digestable.

Manny, I'll check it out. Poor G...I'm sure this is a bum rap.

TC, aww...that was sweet. Thanks. :)

Waygon, meet us tomorrow mornin'. Bob, Barman, and I are going out to breakfast. I hope they have a big table cuz I'm workin' up an appetite today.


At 10/26/2007 12:48 PM, Blogger Crabby

Hi guys!

I'm still working my buns off. Turns out I have stress induced allergies that cause asthma attacks. Soooo...I'm on a mission to get the dust outa my house. (severe allergy to dust) And I'm also eliminating all stressors in my control. I am NOT gonna stay sick. Count on it. I'm on a mission. LOL! And pretty much driving everybody nuts. (which is kinda fun)


At 10/26/2007 2:50 PM, Blogger barman

Is it really safe to come visit? I am skart...


At 10/26/2007 3:11 PM, Blogger Crabby

Well, heck yeah, it's safe. (bring your dust cloth)
Kidding. I'm taking tomorrow off.
This is impossible! How do tidy clean people do it?
Did you know everything gets dust on it. Even plants and stuff? Do you know how many leaves are on a single plant?
I don't believe I care for cleaning. It's not fun at all.


At 10/26/2007 3:54 PM, Blogger cadbury_vw

have you ever been heavy?

i don't think people should be a pinched pain in the ass like the women you mention in your post, but i was not comfortable with being heavy.

it took substantial effort to change my lifestyle.


At 10/26/2007 5:32 PM, Blogger Manny

People with sparkling clean houses do not have sex.

Blame the mess on the sex.

I'm a poet.


At 10/26/2007 10:02 PM, Blogger Crabby

cad, maintaining a healthy weight is essential if we want to live long and enjoy it. I try to do that too. It's the folks who strive for perfection and expect the same from those around them, I have issues with. Perfecion is unrealistic and unattainable.

Manny, sadly fate has sentenced me to forever be dust free or give up breathing. I'm doomed to recieve cleaning supplies for Christmas. I'm depressed. Send ice cream.


At 10/26/2007 10:30 PM, Blogger Little Wing

I think you are beautiful Crabby.....inside and out.


At 10/27/2007 11:34 AM, Blogger GAB

Well ok yes I agree....buttttttt now that I have ben to the docs and know what I have to do (eat more salads)But I for one will never ever tell you do you know how many cals are in that? NO NO NO NOT ME.


At 10/27/2007 11:42 AM, Blogger Suze

Don't talk to me about people with a weight obsession. I work with two of them.

They say how good they have been just eating a lettuce leaf for lunch and then go and grab some chocolate from the vending machine. Lol

I think they really have nothing else to focus on in their lives.


At 10/27/2007 3:03 PM, Blogger Lil Bit

hilarious post -- & that pic skeeeered me! lol ;)


At 10/28/2007 8:23 AM, Blogger Rachel

I am with you on this rant Crabby although feel there is a fine line to be drawn with looking after yourself and staying healthy too. Great post and the pics are good!


At 10/28/2007 12:21 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Well, as long as you don't look like a bean bag chair, you're probably good.
` BTW, Lou Ryan is losing weight for a part in a movie - he does have some weight to lose before he's absolutely RIPPED!
` I'm getting ripped myself. I love going to the gym because I can do so many more things I couldn't before like take out the trash with one arm!