Tuesday, October 09, 2007
I will never be accused of being "a good soldier" when it comes to being sick. I'm sick. Hate it. Sick sucks. It's not natural. Bet I'm even gonna die or something. That's how miserable I am.

And OF COURSE, Conchita, my imaginary maid, is like....totally ignoring the dust bunnies playing tag under my bed with the rolling tumbleweeds of dog hair. I swear, SWEAR...some day I'm gonna fire that bitch and get a maid that really exists. Imaginary maids are worthless! She's no better than my imaginary masseuse, Sven.

Sound grim so far? Well, IT'S WORSE!
Bug man came yesterday to have a look at my ant problem in the bathroom. Course I had to get my sorry ass outa the bed to let him in cause....who wants to lay in bed with bug man walking around? Soon as he saw the ant carcasses he says, "This is worse than I thought. I'll be right back. I have to get my drill."

"Drill? Whatdoya' mean, drill?"

"They're in your walls," he called back over his shoulder.

"Oh well, that's just great! That's just dandy!" I muttered to myself cause NOBODY else was around but the ants.

Sure enough, he drilled holes all over the bottom of each and every wall in the bathroom and then drilled holes in my bedroom closet.

"bbbbb...but....I don't have ants in the closet," I protested.

"Good chance they're in the wall behind your shower or the bathtub. I can't drill into the shower wall. This is the only way. Might work. Might not. If it doesn't, we're gonna have to call a contractor. Have that shower torn out."

"SAY WHAT???? nuh UGH! whyyyyyy?"

"They'll eat your foundation. Don't wanna end up in the basement when you're takin' bath, do ya?"

"The basement isn't under here. It's the crawl space, " I snapped back, sarcastically. Instantly realizing what an idiot I sounded like. The fever, obviously is cooking my brains.

"You may start to see increased activity," he continued, undaunted. "24 hours or so, you may even see a hoard coming out of those holes. That's ok. We're flushing them out. Long as they act drunk. Not too energetic.""So...what am I supposed to do? Give 'em a friggin breathalyser? How do tell if an ant is drunk?"

"They'll stumble around. Be lethargic."

So here I sit now, fever, throbbing head, ringing ears, on the lookout for a bunch of drunk ants.
And you can bet your butt cheeks, that like Quinn, from Jaws....I'm gonna find em. I'm gonna find em...and I'm gonna kill em. No way I'm sittin' my ass in the crawlspace to take a bath!

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posted by Crabby at 2:03 PM |


At 10/09/2007 3:18 PM, Blogger SignGurl

Oh Crabby! Who's going to fill the holes when he's done?

Hope you are feeling better and that your ants are all intoxicated.


At 10/09/2007 4:21 PM, Blogger Vi

Lets hope all the holes he put in doesn't cause the walls to collapse themselves! (sorry to give you that thought in your fevered state)


At 10/09/2007 5:08 PM, Blogger MilkMaid

Think I could fit in that hole, I could walk around drunk for a few days and it wouldn't hurt none.

Feel better my Sparky!


At 10/09/2007 5:54 PM, Blogger Unknown

Poor, dear, Crabby! Illness and an ant invasion at the same time is really an uncalled for test of your grit. I’ve had you on my prayer list for some time now (just on the general principle of figuring you’ve gotten yourself into something); tonight I’ll increase the voltage of the prayer.


At 10/09/2007 6:13 PM, Blogger barman

Oh my, not the shower!!!

Your luck has been questionable this year. I think you should have left the pool alone. Now look at all that you stirred up.

Well if the ants don't come out soon and look all drunk let me know. I have a cousin that is real good with messing around with stuff. I bet he can come up with a concoction that can get them ants drunk.

So are the ants going to have to attend AA meetings now?

Fell better Crabby. Don't let the dust bunnies get you.


At 10/09/2007 6:23 PM, Blogger Manny

I hate the ants. Had em and hate em. They are the worst. One day you're doing your thing and you see one or two. Then you notice the other's. Then you see a shit load of them little freeger's. Hate the ant's. The ant's must die. Death to the ant's!


At 10/09/2007 6:33 PM, Blogger Roxi

I volunteer to fill in yer holes.


Drunk ants..

I have a drunk aunt..

does that count?

When you feel better you better get your butt on doing that tag babe!


At 10/09/2007 9:30 PM, Blogger GAB

Awww Im sorry your sick. Not nice for the guy to drill holes in your walls...the ants are probably doing that themselfs and he helped them along.


At 10/10/2007 1:29 AM, Blogger Rachel

Poor you, feeling a crappy crabby and hanging around with a load of pissed ants. Hope things improve pretty quickly


At 10/10/2007 5:32 AM, Blogger Crabby

Sign, I've only seen two ants since he left and they were completely toasted.
I'm the hole filler. Reckon it's a good reason to change that wall color. Assuming I still have walls.

Vi, if somethin' fell on my head and knocked me out it wouldn't be so bad. Although today when I'm sitting I don't feel too awful. It's when I move around that I feel a giant is squeezing my head like a zit.

Milky, I bet you could stick a straw in there and breath threw it, like a scuba diver. But I gotta warn ya, that stuff he put in those hole stinks like roadkill. I'm gettin' better. It's a looong slow process for some reason.

Nick, it is a tough test for sure and certain. Seems like all manner of things keep falling in the ole' crap heap lately. Ah, well, you know life. Hills and valleys. The good thing about bein' down is ya know ya got nowhere else to go after but up. Anyhow is comforting to know you got me covered with prayer. That's always a good thing. (on general principal?) ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Barman, tell your cousin if he mixes that stuff up, forget the ants. Give it directly to me and Milky. LOL!

Manny, death is too good for those multi-legged little creepers. Did you know they even cannibalize each other? How rude is that? When you see them carrying their dead back on their backs??? It's not for burial, dude! It's for a barbecue!

Roxi, you know I don't do tags. I'm still hangin onto Manny's, Gareth's and the one Wize gave me. How long is it, anyhow? I just figure nobody cares to learn "that" much about me. I don't even wanna know that much about myself.
What are you gonna fill those holes in with, exactly? I'm scairt.

Gab, I must admit, at the time I simutaneously had woe at having extra repair work, and joy at the notion of sneaking up on the ants with a total destruction bomb. LOL! The other day I found one on my hair brush! That's just not cool.
Thanks on the sick. I'm hoping it's not gonna be much longer. My poor house looks like a tornado hit it.

Rach, ME TOO! I will be soooo happy to get back to normal. I can't even tell you how happy I'll be. I even look forward to doing my work, if you can believe that. (not sure I do actually)


At 10/10/2007 5:57 AM, Blogger lime

the good news is an ant can't gobble you up in two bites the way jaws can. the bad news....a hoard of them could carry you off and try to shove you thru the holes whiel you are passed out in a feverish stupor. good thing they are drunk. drunk ants can't organize very well.


At 10/10/2007 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Wait a minute...he's suppose to KILL the ants...he's an exterminator!! Did you not pay for the full service and that's why he's just gonna get them drunk? What happens when they sober up? I think you better move because you'll have an angry swarm of ants with hangovers on your hands soon.


At 10/10/2007 8:32 AM, Blogger wisdomstuff

I hate ants. They just suck. I hope you are feeling better, being sick also sucks. Seems a lot of things suck. Better days ahead, Crabby, just wanted to stop in and say hi.


At 10/10/2007 12:24 PM, Blogger Crabby

Lime, so far, my ants don't know they're supposed to be drunk. One stumbled out of newly drilled door. Tried to run back in and just dropped dead. It was so beautiful, I swear....I almost cried.

Shell, hadn't thought of pissed off, hung over ants. Well, thanks for puttin that in my already befuddled head. LOL! Actually..it's odd but hardly anybody is showing up. And the ones that do...die almost as soon as they pop out. If I felt better, I'd video tape it for ya.

Wisdomstuff, thanks for stoppin' by. Always happy to meet a newbie. In fact, I just got back from your place. Hope you don't catch my ....well, I'm not sure what it is. But it's nasty.


At 10/10/2007 12:43 PM, Blogger nikki


that photo of you in the chair is CLASSIC. you look so miserable. poor crabby.

uh, was the ant man at least cute?


At 10/10/2007 1:11 PM, Blogger Crabby

Nikki, he's not bad. Little on the skinny side for my taste. But not bad.


At 10/10/2007 1:17 PM, Blogger tsduff

That is one knarly picture of an ant head. Yikes! We had a bunch of those big black wood ants in our cabin in the woods... did you know they really stink? I came downstairs early one morning to a horrible smell, and yes, I could actually hear them marching (very strange!). Before my horrified eyes, I saw hundreds of them marching along the wooden walls, the window sill, and out the back door. We 409ed them. Then we had to clean up all the dead antibodies. bleah.


At 10/10/2007 1:24 PM, Blogger Crabby

tsduff, I KNOW! You "can" hear them. To me that's the freakiest part. Usually I hear them if they get on paper. I had no idea how destructive they are till we moved in here. Soon as I found out I removed all the plants that attract them, like peonies. And STILL, they keep coming. Fall especially is a bad season for those little bustards.


At 10/10/2007 2:19 PM, Blogger BTExpress

Did he say what kind of ants are they were? If they are anything but carpenter ants, then he probably took care of the problem. If they are carpenter ants, then the fix was only temporary. I know, I had carpenter ants once.


At 10/10/2007 3:02 PM, Blogger Sornie

I'll probably be kicking myself later but at least my house doesn't have ants... yet. Mice though, there are a few who enter stealthily this time of year into the basement. I will have my revenge.


At 10/10/2007 6:57 PM, Blogger Little Wing

Crabby you are my hero!
For a sick lady you sure do keep your sense of humor, but ya gotta stop making me pee my pants laughing!


At 10/10/2007 9:45 PM, Blogger tsduff

PS: I've never been so excited to be a new cowpie :)


At 10/11/2007 5:43 AM, Blogger Manny

My HNT will teach you to post about my granny panties!


At 10/11/2007 6:56 AM, Blogger Crabby

BT, Carpenter ants. No question. I'm real familiar with the little bustards. And you're right...I am sooo sure, it's not over.

Sornie....WHAT ARE YOU DOIN'? Take it back fast before you jinx yourself. That's exactly how I got preggers 31 years ago. Also how the Bucks lost to Michigan one year. You can't ever say it out loud.

Little Wing, LOL! In all honesty, it's less hero on my part and more mental deficient. ahhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha!

tsduff, I'm just tickled to have you over there. ;)

Manny, psssssst! psssssT! You fogot to take the tag off that gray pair. But...not to fret...I won't point it out to anybody or anything.

PS. I'm fixin to do an HNT myself! A really hot one.


At 10/11/2007 7:09 AM, Blogger MilkMaid

I want that lamp on your desk.


At 10/11/2007 9:25 AM, Blogger justacoolcat

I hope you're feeling better. I didn't know ants ate house foundations. I though they liked left over food.


At 10/11/2007 9:46 AM, Blogger GAB

Hope your feeling better. go check out my blog for some pics of me.


At 10/11/2007 11:13 AM, Blogger Kingcover

Hey did you know that ants can multiply at the rate of two every five days or so??? Hahahahahaha :-P
Throw some food out for them if their little tummies start rumbling. It'll help soak up all the alcohol they'll be drinking as well. At least if you hear them singing in the middle of the night you'll know they are having a party ;-)

Hope you get over the fever soon buddy :-)


At 10/11/2007 1:29 PM, Blogger Unknown

I hear drunk ants are a GREAT time at a nude-y bar!!!


At 10/11/2007 5:15 PM, Blogger Crabby

Milky, if I've told ya once...I've told ya twice, quit trying to take my stuff before I'm dead.

justacoolcat, those are the little ants. The big black carpenter ants like grease...and the wood holding your house up. Nasty little buggers!

Gab, I WILL! Lookin' forward to it! (your pics)

King, ants refuse to eat when they're drinking cause it interferes with their buzz. It's really the only way the drones can find that big honkin' queen attractive.

Kept, you heard right. They get pretty wild too. Legs wrapped around each other and stuff, antennas quivering. ICK!