Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Manny is hiding in the dark with her canDEEE
I want canDEEEEE
gimme some canDEEEE, MANNNYYYYYY!
I'm at your door.
I'm coming to your back doooooor.....gimme some canDEEEEE!

I'm opening the winnnnndow.....

I'm want my canDEEEEE.

I'm here in the dark....


gimme that cannnDEEEEEE.

it's very dark.

I see you Manny.

Hiding behind the chair.

Eating my canDEEEEEE!

I'm behind you.

I smell cannnnDEEEEEE!


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posted by Crabby at 5:51 PM |


At 10/31/2007 6:08 PM, Blogger Spoony Quine

` Stay away from me, I don't have any canDEEEEEE!

` PS, did I mention that I'm haunting a giant Bickford?

` That's scary too!


At 10/31/2007 7:28 PM, Blogger Crabby

You DO have canDEEE. I see chocolate on your teeths. GIMMEE SOME OF THAT canDEEE!


At 10/31/2007 7:39 PM, Blogger SignGurl

I've got your candy right here ;P


At 10/31/2007 8:34 PM, Blogger Crabby

Then gimme your candeeee. Need candeeee. All the candeeee. Gimme.


At 10/31/2007 8:51 PM, Blogger Unknown

All canDEEEEE in this house has already been distributed to Trick-or Treaters of appropriate ages. Do not come by for canDEEEEE unless you want to fight with Alex for his kitty treats.


At 10/31/2007 9:09 PM, Blogger tsduff

What do you mean, all the canDEEEEEE has been distributed? I want some canDDEEEEEEEEE and just because we don't live in the time zone is no excuse for you closing and locking your door early... give me some canDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE that I see you hiding behind your back.


At 10/31/2007 9:34 PM, Blogger jillie

I promise to be gooooood! Can I now pullleeeze have sum canDEEEEEEEEE!!!

pwitty pweeeeze?????


At 10/31/2007 10:29 PM, Blogger lime

you can have the almond joys and mounds bars i scored because i can't stand having my chocolate contaminated with coconut.

besides it seems you feel like a nut!


At 11/01/2007 5:28 AM, Blogger barman

I must admit, my canDDEEEEEEEEE is still at the store. Not only did I not see any trick or treaters but I only saw about 18 people (including adult supervision) on the streets when I went out for a little ride. Of course it did not help that it rained when the trick or treaters came.

Mental note, no coconut for Lime. And I was going to make you that lamb cake for Easter with lots of yummy coconut too.


At 11/01/2007 6:43 AM, Blogger Crabby

Alex, gimmee your kitty canDEEEE! Alex, come down from there with that kitty canDEEE! gimme a bite.

TS, distract Nick...I'll sneak up behind him and snag the canDEEE! I NEEED canDEEE!

jillie, Manny has a whole bowl full of canDEEE. She's hiding it. Let's go tie her up and take the canDEEEE!

Lime, I don't like co co nutties in my canDEEE either. bleck ptooey! But I like nutty canDEEE.

Barman, I think you're hiding your canDEEE. Is it in the van? Is it under the bed? Where's that canDEEE? We want some canDEEEE!


At 11/01/2007 7:52 AM, Blogger Manny

Burp. My tummy hurts.


At 11/01/2007 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous

hmmmm, someone is having flashbacks..lay off the doobies girl


At 11/01/2007 5:52 PM, Blogger GAB

Well I guess you can have all my candeeee since I cant have it! :(