As has been recently pointed out to me, I'm old.
Being old has it's perks, however. You learn some stuff. I'd like to share with you all the most important of what I have learned. After this day, the cowpie field will be forever gone. Don't feel too bad about it. Cowpie fields and people all have to go away some time.
What I know, that matters.
Never turn on your own. When you come to that place in your life where you have royally mucked up absolutely everything (and we all do)
"some" of your family and an incredibly small handful of people who were really your friends are all that will be still standing there to hold you up. These are the people who love you, no matter what. In that moment, when you are most down, they will be your strength and they will help you find your smile again. Never take them for granted. They are a gift beyond measure.
It is not for any person, no matter how close to you they are, to decide what is important to you. No one has the right to tell you what to care about. No matter how petty a person's interests seem to you, they matter to them.
We have the right to love another person, never to control them. when you begin to control the people you love, you are attempting to take them apart and rebuild them. Doing that destroys the very thing you loved about them in the first place. Let people be what they are. That's your gift to them.
Finally, never speak in anger. Words once spoken can not be taken back. They may be forgiven but trust me, they will never be forgotten. Degrading, humiliating, insulting anyone, especially those you profess to care about cuts through their very soul deeper than any knife blade. And can forever alter the heart. Have a care with things you say. They will matter, the good ones and the bad, for an entire life time.
Lastly, every morning we wake up with a choice. To smile or to feel sorry for ourselves and be miserable. Choose the smile. It will sustain you even when life is chomping at your butt-cheeks. There is no medication like laughter. Always, always, remember that.
And with that, I say honestly and finally.....goodbye and I love you all. Write me sometime, if you think about it.